Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama as US president: Who wins, who loses

Obama as US president: Who wins, who loses

Julio Severo

“I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive.” — Jesus Christ

Hugo Chavez, of Venezuela. Fidel Castro, of Cuba. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, of Iran. Lula, of Brazil. What do they have in common? Historically, they are anti-American. They would never think of praising Jesus Christ. In spite of their anti-Americanism, they praised Barack Obama when he was elected US president.

Terrorist group Hamas, one of the major threats to Israel and which celebrated during 9/11, praised Obama win as a “historic victory for world”.[1]

It was very easy for Obama to conquer the admiration of communist dictators, because in the past he had communist ties.[2] He is also known to have a strong leftist agenda. As for the Muslim dictators, their admiration may be related to his obscure and controversial Muslim past.

It was also very easy for Obama to conquer the admiration of the media. Liberals have this advantage. Usually, the media do not patronize conservative political candidates. Bush, for example, won two elections under heavy artillery fire from the American and world press.

One of the major difficulties any non-liberal candidate faces is attacks from the press. To prevail over media resistance and hostility is perhaps one of the greatest challenges. That is a difficulty liberal Obama did not have. Since the beginning of the American electoral campaign, the press treated him in a privileged and friendly way.

So the American and world press was with him. The world — including historical US enemies — was with him. And why would not the media spare him? Obama is a radical abortion defender and he promised to dedicate his presidency to homosexual activism.[3]

Obama: the population-control agenda is back

With no delay, a delighted United Nations has contacted the elected Obama. Because of political measures of Bush, the UN was not receiving much American aid. Bush had this attitude because the UN was not willing to cease its involvement in world policies of population control including abortion.

Because Bush was uncooperative in the UN abortion agenda, the UN did not dare to have its usual population conference in 2004. Now there will be “changes” — Obama will resume Bill Clinton’s old abortion and gay goals.

Now, with Obama as US president, the UN is getting prepared to receive much American money and strengthen its usual activities of promoting reproductive rights (euphemism for abortion) and sexual and gender rights (euphemism for homosexuality and other sexual perversions).

Obama is comfortable with the UN’s activities. After all, his mother, Ann Dunham, worked for USAID and the Ford Foundation, two organizations heavily involved with population-control activities, abortion, feminism, sex education, etc.

At the inspiration of his mother, Obama acquired the vision to build a new world — or new world order — according to the USAID and Ford Foundation perspective.

However, even with the obvious support of media and US enemies, how was Obama able to win the American election? Do most Americans support abortion? Do most of them support homosexuality?

Anti-Republican revolt in the American election

Actually, on the same day that Americans voted for their president, there were polls in several states, especially to let the population decide if they wanted gay “marriage” or not. In California, where most people voted for Obama, voters also voted largely against gay “marriage”. [4]

So Obama’s ambition to promote the gay agenda and population control runs counter to the American popular will.[5] In fact, the will of the people seems to have been led to vote for him for three primary reasons:

Revolt against the Republican Party. According The American Issues Project, the Republican defeat “was not because the country wanted to move radically to the left, but because voters wanted to punish Republicans for abandoning conservative principles.”[6] Many American Christian voters generally prefer Republican candidates, expecting from them actual actions against threats to life and natural family. Yet, most Republican politicians have hidden their intentions and disappointed their constituents, not fulfilling their pro-family commitments.

Racism. Obama attended for 20 years a black evangelical church that openly preaches racism against whites. His old pastor, Jeremiah A. Wright, is a professed pro-communist. Even so, most black Christians voted for Obama — not because he had values consistent with the Bible, but exclusively because of his skin color. He profited electorally from that racism that, strangely, is protected by American elites and media. [7]

Economic crisis. With their pockets hard hit, Americans became embittered toward Republicans, voting for Obama out of utter revolt. Hitler also profited from the economic crisis in his time, which helped him to reach the top leadership in Germany, which in the past century had been one of the most developed nations. Economic crises have always had the potential to raise up political “messiahs.”

When they voted for Obama in a spirit of revolt, Americans clearly demonstrated their conservatism, because they voted at the same time against homosexual “marriage.” Even so, Obama said that the Bush policies — defending natural family and sexual abstinence and against abortion, homosexuality, embryonic stem-cell research — will be reversed.

Obama’s proposals also include reversing the Bush ban on funding for overseas family-planning programs that offer or promote abortions. [8]

“The most ungodly US president”

And now, what will happen to the US spiritually?

Bill Keller, the world’s leading internet evangelist, has been concerned about the American economic crisis, and with the election of Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th president of the United States. Keller declared, “the hand of God has been removed from this nation.”

Keller said that the nation has just elected a man who will insure abortion on demand in all fifty states, champion the radical homosexual agenda, and be friendly to those nations that want to see Israel destroyed. He also said,

“The destruction will come in many forms such as the introduction of laws that allow the Bible to be referred to as hate speech, as other countries have already implemented. For the first time, real and tangible persecution is going to be felt by those who refuse to compromise the truth of the Bible and preach the Gospel.” [9]

From a spiritual perspective, perhaps the most important alert came from Steve Foss, who warned before the election,

In January of 2000 God gave me an incredible insight into what was about to happen in the coming elections in America over the next decade.

God then said to me, “At the end of President Bush’s second term there would be an economic collapse.” As everyone in the world knows, we have just faced the greatest economic threat since 1929 and the Great Depression.

God spoke to me that after George W. Bush, America would elect its most ungodly president ever.

Now in 2006 I began to ask the Lord, “Is that guaranteed to happen in 2008?” He spoke to me very clearly and gave me the key words to what I believe holds this election in the balance right now. He gave me these key words that can forever change what is about to happen in America.

He said, “It depends on the Christians.”

I had a vision earlier this year. I saw Barack Obama in this vision. He was speaking to a large crowd and being broadcast on television. He was speaking incredible words of unity, peace, and bringing all sides together; the words were elegant, the words were comforting, and the words were inspiring.

But while he was speaking I saw all a powerful spirit of violence coming out of his spirit feeding into the spirits of those that were hearing him. That spirit of violence was directed at anybody who opposed what he was saying. Those who heard his words and received it had the spirit of violence being implanted inside of them. It was a rage like I have not seen before.

It was the rage that would be unleashed against those who oppose and stand in the way of Barack Obama’s agenda.

I have talked to many Christians, including pastors, not only here in the United States but around the world, who strongly support Barack Obama. Many of them are angry with the Republicans, and understandably so. Others are inspired by the thought of electing America’s first African American president, while others believe Barack Obama to be a Christian who is very concerned with the poor and needy.

God said that the 2008 election is in the hands of the Christians. Just like when God spoke to Jonah about the judgment coming to Nineveh, when the Ninevites repented God withheld judgment; the same can happen in this election. Even though God spoke that America would elect its most ungodly president, He has given us the ability to stay this judgment.

This nation lies in the hands of the Christians.

We must spend time in deep intercessory prayer and cry out for God’s mercy upon America. For all our friends who are not in the United States, if Christianity comes under the assaults that it would under a government controlled by Barack Obama and the Liberal Democrats, it will have horrible negative effects on the Gospel throughout the world.

That warning by Steve Foss was posted in the website The Jerusalem Connection.[10]

What is up with Christian voters in the US and Brazil?

Many Christian Americans decided the fate of the US in the recent election. The most evil president was chosen. The US, which was Israel’s only ally, now under Obama experiences a rapprochement with the enemies of Israel, confirming the Bible prophecies that in the last days all nations would be enemies of Israel.

As a Brazilian, I need to be concerned about the fate of the US. After all, I have had the experience of living under the Lula administration, which has been fighting, domestically and internationally, to promote abortion and homosexuality, putting Christians in Brazil at serious risk with the approval of draconian anti-homophobia laws.

When Lula tried to introduce his pioneering resolution in the UN classifying homosexuality as an inalienable human right in 2003, the US was one of the nations opposed. Now, the US and Brazil are in the same moral boat. Now, in his national and international ambitions Lula will receive support from the White House, including the pioneering Brazilian anti-”homophobia” proposal that is before the Organization of the American States. Now, Christians in Brazil will be under greater domestic threats, with international pressures backed by a pro-abortion US administration.

Last November 7, the Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transvestites, and Transsexuals (ABGLT) sent an official letter to Obama saluting him and highlighting that his election “represents a victory for democracy and diversity”. [11] The letter also requested his attention to the homosexual issues throughout the world. ABGLT, which has filed charges against me and other Christians, has recently been awarded by the Lula administration and was helped by the Brazilian government to an official place in the UN system. [12]

Politically-correct measures and innovations from the US have always been echoed in Brazil. Brazil, which was already reeling under the Lula effects, will now have to feel the Obama burden too. Gay militants are feeling so empowered by the Obama victory that they are threatening violence against Christians. [13]

However, Brazil cannot complain about the cruel destiny many American Christians chose for the US. Many Brazilian Christians also chose Lula. The devil has misled and exploited Christians to raise up his servants into positions of authority to release his destructive agenda in society.

No repentance among Christians, no conversion of national leaders

Americans are today hostages of politically-correct manipulations imposed by the media. Under media pressure, you have to vote for a black candidate, to prove you are not racist. If you oppose a black politician’s agenda, you run the risk of being labeled a racist. In the case of Obama, who has promised to revive and strengthen the abortion and gay agenda of the Clinton years, all criticism will be liable to charges of racism. Obama, who is reemploying the radical officials of the former Clinton administration, has, in a much more amplified way, the ideological soul of his Democrat predecessor, but the necessary black skin to use racial appeals against many political opponents.

The advantage of being black and much more liberal than Clinton ensures him the solid protection against critics from the liberal press. Brazilians know this story very well. Though saturated with political, financial and criminal scandals, the Lula administration has never collapsed. In his rustic leftism, Lula is bolstered so as not to fall.

It is up to Christians in the US to pray for Barack Obama’s conversion. Yet, despite many prayers, Clinton completed two terms in much ungodliness — and he has never undergone any conversion. In spite of many prayers, Lula is in his second term unleashing much ungodliness in Brazilian society — and there has been no sign of his conversion. How will there be answers to prayers when many Christians, sated and happy, wittingly choose pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality Obamas and Lulas?

I did not confer spiritual authority to Lula through my vote. But many Christians did it. Today my mission is to call them to repentance. So it is important to pray for Christians in the US and Brazil, so that they may repent and put God’s will above their own.

New fad: leftist Messianism

Lula, with his rustic leftist Messianism, holds the Brazilian presidency today, plunging Brazil into moral absurdities. Obama, with his sophisticated leftist Messianism, threatens to plunge not only the US, but the entire world into the same absurdities.

Obama representatives lost no time getting in touch with the Syrian government, promising to end the isolation of that nation. [14] That isolation was imposed by the US years ago because of the Syrian involvement in terrorism against Israel.

Yet, to the extent they rely on the liberal press, people will not see the peril of those absurdities. People will see only the “messiahs” and the attractiveness of their promises. In his first speech after the election, Obama declared his commitment to promote “peace and security” in the world. [15]

To the applauses of the enemies of Israel, he also declared his total commitment to “peace and security” for Israel and for “Palestine”. [16]

Even though the Bible has strong warnings against false messiahs — men promising miraculous answers to the people — the world is delighted. But how far can they go? “For when they say, ‘Peace and safety!’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.” (1 Thessalonians 5:3 NKJV)

Source: Laigle’s Forum

To read other articles by Julio Severo, visit his English blog: Last Days Watchman

Portuguese version of this article:

Obama como presidente dos EUA: Quem ganha, quem perde


















1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Oh my, how I wish we had someone like this gentleman stand up and speak this way in America. I agree completely with everything he has said. He is so right!! Christians have been warned over 20 years ago when the gays started coming out of their "closets" and still they stood silent. Julio Severo is exactly right about everything he has said about Obama and how Christians who voted for him need to repent and put Gods will above their own. Oh how I wish every person who calls themselves Christian can read this article!!! Thank you Mr. Severo for your courage and for telling the truth and being a light in the darkness. We need more men and woman like you. You have my prayers. Thank you. Please don't stop.

    Indiana, USA
