Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Message to President Lula on homosexuality

Dear President Lula

God says in Romans 13:6 that those who work in the government have the calling to be God’s servant. There is no better way to serve God than obeying what he commands through his Word, the Bible.

One of the many orientations God gives in his Word is the warning:

“No man is to have sexual relations with another man; God hates that”. (Leviticus 18:22 GNB)

Therefore, you have the honor and calling of God to do God’s will in the government and fight against evil in the society in its different modes, including the gay activism, etc.

God has so much love for people enslaved to homosexuality that he sent his Son Jesus Christ to set them free. If he does not want anyone in homosexuality, it is pointless to approve and legalize something he hates. So close in your administration all room that has been used, especially by people from your own party, to promote greater opening to homosexuality.

I, who serve that wonderful God, want to encourage you to devote your life in the government to the calling God gave you: serve him. So I can tell you confidently: do not be a servant of the forces that want to use you to promote abortion and homosexuality. Besides, do not be servant of the forces that want to use you to support communist dictator Fidel Castro, known criminal persecutor of Christians. Be God’s servant!

May God bless you in this purpose.

Julio Severo

Note: This message was sent to President Lula in December 17, 2003. Translated from Portuguese.


Other articles by Julio Severo

Targeted By Bias: Evangelicals Who Voted for Bush

The Great Gaffe of Lula Against Israel

The Mark of the Beast: The Tomorrow’s Education

Helping Take Care of the Social Health

Message to President Lula on Israel

Message to President Lula on homosexuality

Growth of divorce among Christians: a biblical perspective

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