Monday, August 07, 2017

Constituent Sues GOP, Accusing the Party of Fraud

Constituent Sues GOP, Accusing the Party of Fraud

By Julio Severo
A retired attorney in Virginia Beach is so incensed that Republicans couldn’t repeal the Obama’s Affordable Care Act that he’s suing to get political donations back, accusing the GOP of fraud and racketeering.
Bob Heghmann, 70, filed a lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court, saying the national and Virginia Republican parties and some GOP leaders raised millions of dollars in campaign funds while knowing they weren’t going to be able to overturn Obama’s socialist law also known as Obamacare.
The GOP “has been engaged in a pattern of Racketeering which involves massive fraud perpetrated on Republican voters and contributors as well as some Independents and Democrats,” the suit said. Racketeering, perhaps better known for use in prosecuting organized crime, involves a pattern of illegal behavior by a specific group.
National GOP committee member Morton Blackwell said the suit is a “sign of conservative anger that the Republican-controlled Congress has not yet repealed and replaced Obamacare.”
He argued that “progressives” had taken over the Democratic Party and seemed to lament that “conservatives” had not yet taken over the Republican Party.
At last, a Republican leader recognizes that the Republican Party is not controlled by conservatives and it is not behaving as a conservative party.
“Too few conservatives are willing to invest their time, talent, and money and personally participate inside the Republican Party,” Blackwell said. “A Republican majority will mean a conservative majority if and when a sufficient number of conservatives figure out why the success of their principles depends on their personal involvement in local, state and national Republican Party committees and in party nomination contests.”
Heghmann’s suit argues that the national GOP raised more than $735 million and Virginia’s party more than $20 million from 2009 to 2016 in large part by promising to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Heghmann said he has standing to sue the GOP because has been a contributor.
Heghmann’s suit states: “Now that the Republican Party has won the House, the Senate and the Presidency the effort it is making to Repeal and Replace Obamacare is itself a Fraud upon Republican Voters and Donors.”
The “pattern of racketeering” extended to the party’s response to Trump’s candidacy, his suit states. The GOP units raised money to push Obamacare repeal or Trump’s promises but “never intended to implement the Trump Agenda or fulfill the promises of the Republican Platform.”
Heghmann has given an excellent example, especially by clarifying that the GOP should be sued for not fulfilling the Trump Agenda or the promises of the Republican Platform.
The Trump Agenda was clearly anti-neocon, but the same GOP unwilling to defeat the socialist Obamacare is unwilling to implement anti-neocon measures.
Patrick J. Buchanan, a former adviser to Ronald Reagan, said, “The GOP Platform committee rejected a plank to pull the U.S. deeper into Ukraine, by successfully opposing new U.S. arms transfers to Kiev. Improved relations with Russia were what candidate Trump had promised, and what Americans would vote for in November.”
Under neocon pressure, the Trump administration has appointed Kurt Volker, a neocon who was the director of the McCain Institute, to head the Trump policy on Ukraine, guaranteeing the fulfillment of the neocon ambitions against Russia. Volker wants U.S. arms transfers to Kiev.
All of this is a clear sign the Republican Party is not behaving as a conservative party and that conservatives do not control the GOP.
Neocons did not help elect Trump. On the contrary, they opposed him. John McCain was the main neocon opposition to Trump.
So evangelicals should sue the GOP for capitulating to McCain and his neocons. They should sue the GOP for forcing Trump to follow the neocon agenda.
Neocons are engaged in blood-shedding of Christians in other nations. They should be stopped. Trump wanted to do it, but the pressure was too strong. Where are evangelicals and their holy voice and pressure?
Pressure works. When vice president Mike Pence was the Indiana governor, he approved the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to protect religious people from persecution by homosexual activists. But after widespread pressure and boycotts, including from big businesses such as Apple and Wal-Mart, Pence rolled back his religious freedom law. His cowardly changes marked the largest step toward special homosexual rights there in history, according to pro-family activists who studied the language of the changed law.
Today, according to Buchanan, Pence is a neocon who fully approves U.S. military meddling in Ukraine. But by doing it he is violating the original Trump agenda and GOP Platform.
Evangelical leaders, churches and organizations should sue Pence, or the GOP.
Volker, McCain and other neocons should be butted out from the Trump administration.
Recently, socialist Democrats and “conservative” Republicans, spurred by McCain, joined forces to impose more sanctions on Russia, which is a more conservative and Christian nation today. But they do not join forces to impose sanctions on the Islamic Saudis, who were responsible for the 9/11.
Daily Mail said Trump “signed the [sanctions] bill, which he wasn’t happy about, in private.” Trump is being forced to do the neocons’ will. Why do not U.S. evangelical leaders, churches and organizations resist and sue neocons? It is time to confront neocons in the Democratic Party and in the Republican Party.
Daily Mail also said that the sanctions bill contains provisions that “prevent the president from lifting [the sanctions] without approval from Congress — provisions that got drafted amid concerns Trump would lift or limit sanctions amid his frequent praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin and desire to improve ties between the two powers.”
The neocons in the Congress have tied Trump’s hands. Evangelical leaders, churches and organizations should helping Trump by suing the GOP for capitulating to the will of the neocons, Democrats and socialists and for forcing Trump to do the neocons’ will.
If McCain and his neocon hordes wanted to implement a neocon agenda in the U.S. government, especially affecting negatively Christians in other nations, he should have defeated Obama in 2008. He failed. He is not the president. And Pence should behave as Trump’s vice president, not as if he were McCain’s vice president.
If evangelicals wanted a neocon in the White House, they would have voted for McCain, not Trump. They chose Trump for his clearly anti-neocon speech.
Trump’s hands are tied by a Congress controlled by warmongering socialist Democrats and warmongering “conservative” Republicans who have capitulated to the neocons. What will evangelicals do to untie Trump?
It is time for evangelical leaders, churches and organizations to sue the GOP for the implementation of the original anti-neocon Trump Agenda.
U.S. evangelicals should also sue the GOP for the genocide of Christians in Syria and Iraq in the trail of U.S. interventions and invasions. Even Trump condemned the Bush invasion of Iraq.
It is time also for Christians around the world to pray that God may neutralize the neocons and their malevolent power in the U.S. government and in the U.S. military industrial complex.
With the information from Pilot Online and WND.
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