Saturday, October 28, 2017

Moses, His Sponsor and His Sorcerers

Moses, His Sponsor and His Sorcerers

By Julio Severo
Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s palace, eating his food, enjoying his luxury and everything else. But when the time came to heed God’s call, Moses was ready to confront everything, even his former “sponsor” — Pharaoh. And he did just it: He mightily confronted Pharaoh and his sorcerers— and he won.
He belonged to God, not to his former sponsor.
Just because God chose the wicked to “sponsor” you at a certain time in your life does not mean that you are his slave and you should not confront him. Do God’s will, not your former sponsor’s.
To confront Moses, Pharaoh had the help of his sorcerers, who used the power of Satan to perform supernatural acts.
Moses defeated the supernaturality of witchcraft through the supernatural supremacy of God’s power. The infinitely supernatural God was victorious, through Moses, against the finitely supernatural devil, through Pharaoh and his sorcerers.
First, God, who is sovereign, chose to use Pharaoh and his witchcraft-filled house to raise Moses.
Then God used Moses to defeat the supernatural power of the sorcerers of Pharaoh, who was a man who worshiped occultism and esotericism.
In Pharaoh, politics and occultism went hand in hand. In Moses, politics and God went hand in hand.
God can use esotericists and sorcerers to sponsor you. But wait for His voice, which may someday call you to glorify His name by defeating the demonic power of sponsors involved in esotericism and witchcraft. God can use you to confront them even if they are politically as powerful as Pharaoh.
They cannot accuse you of having bit the hand that feeds, just as they could not accuse Moses of having eaten at the expense of Pharaoh. All that Pharaohs (the wicked rulers of this world), esotericists and witches have to give came from God. And it is God who determines them to support the righteous and then be confronted by them.
Portuguese version of this article: Moisés, seu patrocinador e seus bruxos
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