Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Betrayal or Bad Choice? Kavanaugh Opposes Conservative Judges to Protect Abortion Industry

Betrayal or Bad Choice? Kavanaugh Opposes Conservative Judges to Protect Abortion Industry

By Julio Severo
Republican states tried to defund Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion industry in the United States, by taking their case to the U.S. Supreme Court. Even though conservative judges, especially Clarence Thomas, fought against tax-payer funding of abortion, left-wing justices prevailed. Among the left-wingers was Brett Kavanaugh, selected by President Donald Trump recently.
Kavanaugh refused to side with other conservative judges.
Joseph Farah, of WND (WorldNetDaily) said that “This is a cosmic tragedy,” which happened December 10, 2018.
This is a tragedy because Trump did not choose Kavanaugh to protect the abortion industry. He chose him to protect the innocent life against abortion.
Kavanaugh’s decision to side with left-wingers was a big defeat to conservatives who are fighting to protect the unborn life.
When Trump was making his choices for the post of new Supreme Court Justice, U.S. conservative evangelicals had suggestions of real conservatives. But Trump avoided all of them and picked Kavanaugh.
Many thought that Kavanaugh was the right choice, because the Big Liberal Media furiously and relentless attacked him.
But they did not consider that the media is on attack mode. Everything Trump chooses, the media will attack. If Trump says “black,” the media will say “white,” just to contradict him.
So because the Big Liberal Media made so much fuss against Kavanaugh, the conservative universe suddenly forgot that he had not a so conservative history and treated him as a conservative superhero — who changed to liberal superhero in a major decision that should have protected babies, but that Kavanaugh and other liberals used to protect the abortion industry.
Now those who had acclaimed Kavanaugh as a conservative hero will call him a “betrayer.” Perhaps he is just being faithful to his own history.
Conservatives should understand that this problem could have been avoided if Trump had followed the conservatives’ suggestions. But he avoided them. And while conservatives were busy and inattentive because of the liberal fuss against Kavanaugh, Trump quietly chose another judge for a federal court: a homosexual activist.
So the problem is not in Kavanaugh. It is in Trump.
What can be done?
Evangelicals cannot forget their president. They should pressure Trump day after day. He is under massive pressure from left-wingers. Conservatives have no choice: They should exert massive pressure on him.
In the last election, Trump lost the House of Representatives, but conservatives were relieved that at least he kept the Senate, which is important to appoint Supreme Court justices to defeat legal abortion in America. But what is the point to have the Senate if Kavanaughs are chosen?
Without proper conservative pressure, Trump will keep choosing fake conservatives like Kavanaugh. Abortion cannot be defeated this way.
If conservatives are really serious about the monstrosity of abortion, much more pressure is necessary on Trump and Republicans.
If I were given the incredible opportunity to make a humble recommendation to Trump, I would advise him to appoint Justice Tom Parker to the Supreme Court or appoint a judge selected by him.
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