Monday, March 15, 2021

Pro-Biden Evangelicals Blame Biden for Their Own Betrayal of Evangelical Principles


Pro-Biden Evangelicals Blame Biden for Their Own Betrayal of Evangelical Principles

By Julio Severo

Pro-Biden evangelicals, who are prominent leaders, are saying they were betrayed by President Joe Biden.

I would like to know how exactly Biden betrayed them.

Biden is today the most pro-sodomy U.S. president. Did pro-Biden evangelicals expect him to be the most anti-sodomy president? In his campaign to legalize sodomy around the world, he is doing more pressure on the nations than former President Donald Trump did to legalize this sin.

To make things worse, pro-Biden evangelicals called themselves “Pro-life Evangelicals for Biden” and now they say that they are disappointed that the Biden administration has committed itself to advance abortion in every way possible in the U.S. and around the world. They said that they “feel used and betrayed.”

Among pro-Biden progressive evangelicals are:

* Richard Mouw, president emeritus of Fuller Seminary.

* Ronald J. Sider, president emeritus of progressive group Evangelicals for Social Action.

* Samuel T. Logan, president emeritus of Westminster Theological Seminary, one of the most prominent Calvinist seminaries in the U.S., founded by J. Gresham Machen.

Why do they excuse their irresponsibility by saying that “Biden betrayed them” when he never said that he was pro-life?

Before the U.S. presidential election, Biden was clearly pro-abortion, pro-feminism and pro-sodomy. If he changed his views in these stances, he would be “betraying” his socialist Democratic Party, which strongly defends these causes. Besides, from the conservative perspective, such change would be a good “betrayal.” But it never happened.

So Biden is now, as president, just as he was before: pro-abortion, pro-feminism and pro-sodomy. There was no betrayal: He continues committed to his socialist principles.

Yet, there was betrayal from pro-Biden evangelicals. They betrayed evangelicals who trusted in them and their suggestions that Biden would miraculously become more pro-life and pro-family after being elected.

Their vision and passion failed. Biden never changed.

You can accuse Biden of many things, but not betrayal. He is as socialist now as he was before.

Evangelicals leaders who supported Biden have mountains of theological knowledge, which was insufficient to help them see very basic issues and take appropriate decision.

Now that their bad decisions were exposed by their own foolishness, they blame Biden, not their foolishness.

They put their political hopes in a socialist, and their hopes were dashed.

They can now blame Biden, Satan or socialism. But real conversion does not begin this way. It begins when you repent and take public responsibility for your political sins.

Pro-Biden evangelicals should be held fully accountable for leading evangelicals politically astray to support a rabid pro-abortion socialist as president.

Portuguese version of this article: Evangélicos pró-Biden culpam Biden por sua própria traição de princípios evangélicos

Source: Last Days Watchman

Recommended Reading on Joe Biden:

Nigeria and Other African Nations Worried about the Threat of Joe Biden’s LGBT Imperialism

Biden Inaugural Prayer Service Included Several Gay Religious Leaders

Biden is not God’s will for the United States, but what can Americans expect by distancing themselves from God and the Bible?

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