Monday, May 06, 2019

Olavist Compares Brazilian President Bolsonaro with Jesus Christ after Bolsonaro Gave Olavo de Carvalho the Highest Award of the Brazilian Government

Olavist Compares Brazilian President Bolsonaro with Jesus Christ after Bolsonaro Gave Olavo de Carvalho the Highest Award of the Brazilian Government

By Julio Severo
Ernesto Araújo, Minister of Foreign Affairs indicated by Olavo de Carvalho, seems to have been so moved by an award President Jair Bolsonaro gave to his “master” that only three days after the homage, in a ceremony at the Rio Branco Institute, he cried in his speech when comparing Bolsonaro with Jesus Christ. He said:
“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone of the building. The stone rejected by the press and rejected by intellectuals, which artists rejected and which self-proclaimed experts rejected, it became the cornerstone of the building, the building of the new Brazil.”
Araújo’s statement, though adapted, is a reference to the passage of the Bible in Acts 11:4, which says, “This Jesus, the stone that was despised by you, the builders, became the chief cornerstone.”
Since Bolsonaro allowed olavist Ernesto to elevate his “master” Olavo to the highest governmental heights, in deep gratitude Araújo elevated Bolsonaro to the highest heavenly heights. Olavist means an adherent of Olavo de Carvalho.
While Carvalho, recognized as Rasputin of Bolsonaro, unceasingly curses the military and other members of Brazil’s government, behold, Bolsonaro bestowed on him the highest honor of the Brazilian government: the Grand Cross degree of the Order of Rio Branco.
By the title of Masonic appearance, Carvalho would never reject such homage, which sounds as esoteric as he is.
The military, who were already annoyed by Carvalho’s cursing, were even more displeased to see the swearer being rewarded by the man who was supposed to defend his administration and the Armed Forces and directly condemn the swearer.
There are several explanations for the award. One of them is that the president’s intention was to try to “appease” the fight between olavists and military within the government. It did not help. Carvalho, who has been a self-exiled Brazilian immigrant in the U.S. for over 13 years, continued to curse the military as if nothing had happened. On May 4, 2019, four days after receiving the award, Carvalho said that General Carlos Alberto dos “Santos Cruz is just a well-dressed piece of shit.” Other military were also cursed with no less dirty names.
Among his honors, General Santos Cruz, who is now Chief Minister of the Secretariat of Government, fought Islamic terrorist groups between the Republic of Congo and Uganda. Perhaps, having participated in Islamic occult groups and won a prize from the Islamic dictatorship of Saudi Arabia for a biography of Muhammad that he wrote, Carvalho, who already memorized the Koran in Arabic, was offended by Santos Cruz’s military actions against Muslims.
Perhaps Carvalho’s revolt and swearing at the military are because during the military government, which arrested individuals involved in communist subversion, he and his current wife were arrested. Although records of Carvalho’s prison contain information that he was involved in immoral sexual activities in an Islamic tariqa, sources linked to the military report that all other information about him has mysteriously disappeared.
Another explanation comes from olavists, who say that the homage given by Bolsonaro is “a recognition of the singular contribution that Olavo gave to the creation of the conservative movement, which made possible the decline of the left and his own victory (Bolsonaro).” So Bolsonaro has allegedly given the maximum award to show to olavists inside the government that their guru has maximum prestige of the president.
However, olavists’ view portraying Carvalho as a “savior” goes against reality. J.R. Guzzo, a journalist at Veja magazine (the Brazilian counterpart of Time magazine), said on a 13 January 2019 tweet:
“The plain, simple and unadorned fact is this: evangelicals are today the greatest anti-leftist force in Brazil. They are stronger, more numerous and more active than the Army, Air Force and Navy combined. There has never been such force in Brazil. The left has no idea how to defeat it.”
When asked by journalists about his reasons for awarding his Rasputin, Bolsonaro evasively said, “When I signed the list of names, I did not see who was left-wing or right-wing. Although there was a filter from Itamaraty, we did not veto any name. It went through the filter and I did not veto anyone.”
The main filter at the Itamaraty, which is Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is its director, Ernesto Araújo, an olavist who is so dedicated in the studies of Rasputin that he absorbed one of the literary references recommended by him: the Islamic occultist René Guénon, who founded the Traditionalist school to fight against Marxism. Guénon’s greatest disciple was Julius Evola, who advised Italian fascism and German Nazism. Both Guénon and Evola are positively cited by Araújo as the basis of his “conservatism.”
To leave in the hands of Araújo the decision to approve the name of Carvalho in the highest award of the Brazilian government is the same thing as leaving in the hands of a left-winger the decision to approve the name of Obama. The result is the same. Guided by ideological fanaticism, adherents elevate their masters to heights.
In addition to Carvalho, 35 people who hold high government posts have received the award of Grand Cross. But what was striking is that Carvalho was the only one not complying with the criteria included in the same rules cited by Itamaraty. According to the rules, the Grand Cross can be given to the President of the Republic and to the Vice President; the presidents of the Chamber, the Senate and the STF (Supreme Federal Court); to ministers, governors and high-ranking military officers, in addition to foreign ambassadors and other personalities of equivalent rank.
Perhaps, without anyone knowing, Carvalho already holds a post in the secret condition that he likes best: in the esoteric and occult condition. This is the same condition as the original Rasputin, who negatively influenced the conservative and right-wing Tsar of Russia, who, blinded by his “adviser,” eventually left his government weakened to the onslaught from Communists.
Bolsonaro’s party leader in the House of Representatives, Representative Delegate Waldir (PSL-GO) also showed displeasure with the award to please olavists in the government. He said of Carvalho, “For me he is a stark madman, a voodooist, sorcerer, an astrologer. He is all of this. An individual who attacks my party, attacks my congressmen, attacks my government, and has appointed two ministers? He should shut up.”
Besides the controversial homage to Carvalho, Bolsonaro also awarded two of his children with the Order of Rio Branco.
It was a shock to see the children of Bolsonaro also being awarded. But father’s passion for children is sometimes invincible. However, what explains the tribute to Carvalho, who did not meet the legitimate criteria of the award?
Bolsonaro says he admires President Donald Trump of the United States, but that admiration does not seem to go very far. Trump did not fall in love with Steve Bannon, an adherent of Guénon. Instead of awards, Trump called him an opportunist and expelled him from the White House. Today, Bannon is persona non grata in the U.S. government.
In contrast, Bolsonaro fell in love with Olavo de Carvalho, also an adherent of Guénon. Instead of calling him an opportunist and expelling his influence from the government, Bolsonaro gave him the highest award, only given to men in high positions. But passion is passion: It does the impossible for the beloved.
Today, Bannon and Carvalho are friends and allies. The difference is that while Bannon — the “American Olavo” — has the utter disregard from Trump, Olavo — the “Brazilian Bannon” — has the total passion of Bolsonaro, who prefers to remain in shameful silence while his Rasputin curses various members of his administration.
Rasputin also curses evangelicals, who were the main base of electoral support for Bolsonaro. When Eduardo Bolsonaro, the president’s son, dazzlingly said that “without Olavo, there would be no election of Jair Bolsonaro,” televangelist Silas Malafaia, Brazil’s most important evangelical leader, said that such a statement is simply ridiculous.
Malafaia added: “If it were dependent on Olavo de Carvalho, Bolsonaro would not even be able to win for city councilman. In the vote for president, Bolsonaro had more than 11 million votes from evangelicals in comparison to what [his opponent] Haddad received from evangelicals.”
With no curses and threats to evangelicals, Steve Bannon was called an opportunist, betrayer and expelled from the White House, then imagine if the American Olavo had cursed U.S. evangelicals, who were the main electoral base of Trump!
If evangelicals were fundamental to the election of Trump, what were they to Bolsonaro? According to Bolsonaro’s March statement for CBN, whose owner is Pat Robertson, “Evangelicals were fundamental for my election."
Why then, instead of calling Carvalho an opportunist, a betrayer and expelling his influence from the government — thus imitating Trump’s noble attitude —, Bolsonaro awarded the opportunist who curses the military, evangelicals and all those who supported his election? Why encourage a narcissistic megalomaniac liar who wants at all costs to advance the cult of his personality?
I voted for Bolsonaro, but I prefer to be on Trump’s side as far as giving Guénon’s adherents what they deserve is concerned. Can you stand by Bolsonaro’s side in this mad passion for Rasputin?
It was this same mad passion that led Ernesto Araújo to call Bolsonaro the “cornerstone” — a biblical title given exclusively to Jesus Christ.
Apparently, Araújo did to Bolsonaro what he did to Trump. In a diplomatic article, he praised Trump as a strategic way to praise the Guenonian revolution of Steve Bannon in the Trump administration. Perhaps his praise of Bolsonaro is a strategic way of praising Olavo de Carvalho’s Guenonian revolution in the Bolsonaro government.
Yet, the difference is obvious. While Bannon has no place in the Trump administration, Carvalho has indicated his adherents for the Bolsonaro administration. He indicated the foreign minister. He indicated the former Education Minister, who detested Trump and loved Hillary Clinton. He indicated the current Minister of Education, who detests and loves socialism at the same time! If there is a Guenonian revolution in the Brazilian government — full of confusion and chaos —, you cannot say the same thing of the U.S. government.
Everything that Bannon wanted from Trump, and Trump never gave, Bolsonaro gave to Carvalho.
If Bolsonaro is being used by Carvalho and Bannon as the “cornerstone” of the Guenonian revolution in Brazil, you cannot say they were able to use Trump as the “cornerstone” of the Guenonian revolution in the U.S.
Christians never compare men whom they admire with Jesus Christ. They never call mere mortal men “cornerstone,” messiah or savior. Never.
But occultists, even when they consider themselves nominal Christians, do this and more. Every occultist misrepresents the Bible.
The result of the occult action of Guenonians was that Bolsonaro received a homage that no man deserves after he gave Rasputin, out of flattery and ideological passion, a homage that no Brazilian without a high position deserves.
However, at this point, if Bolsonaro repeals the undeserved award, olavists will no longer compare him to Jesus Christ. They will compare him to Satan.
In any case, comparing men with God Jesus Christ is an open door for Satan to work. But is not occultists’ specialty really opening doors for Satan?
How long will olavists compare Bolsonaro with Jesus? It is known that they see their Rasputin as the “savior of Brazil.” Sooner or later, there will be a conflict of egos or ideologies between the “savior of Brazil” and the “cornerstone.”
With information from Época magazine and GospelPrime.
Recommended Reading:
Recommended Reading on Olavo de Carvalho:

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