Friday, May 24, 2019

U.S. Evangelical Church Cancels Israel Event After Israeli Diplomats Join Local Gay Pride Parade

U.S. Evangelical Church Cancels Israel Event After Israeli Diplomats Join Local Gay Pride Parade

By Julio Severo
An evangelical church in Miami canceled an event honoring Israel after the local Israeli consul general participated in a parade in support of the homosexual agenda.
Consul General Lior Hayat and other staff from Israel’s diplomatic mission carried Israeli flags and rainbow flags bearing a Star of David at the gay pride parade in Miami in April. They posted photos of their participation in the gay parade on the diplomatic mission’s Twitter.
Pastor Alberto Delgado, who had scheduled at his Alpha and Omega Church in Miami an event honoring Israel with the participation of Israeli diplomats, later canceled the event in May.
The pastor “was worried that the Israeli participation in the pride parade will hurt the support for Israel within his community (especially in light of how close the two events were to each other).”
“The consul general met with the pastor and clarified that the consulate represents all Israeli citizens and works with different constituencies,” said the Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post.
It is a big challenge for U.S. evangelicals, who fight abortion and the homosexual agenda in the U.S., to give full support to the Israeli government, because while in the U.S. the fight “abortion versus life” and “gay agenda versus family values” is often a fight “left versus right,” in Israel the reality is different.
Even though Israelis left-wingers support significantly more abortion and the gay agenda, Israeli right-wingers also support these evils. In fact, the right-wing administration of Benjamin Netanyahu has been advancing abortion and the gay agenda. So it is no wonder that Israeli diplomats of a right-wing administration decided to participate in a gay parade in the U.S. This participation, which is strange for many U.S. conservative Christians, is in no way strange for Israeli right-wingers.
Christian leaders who hold events in their churches to honor Israel should also hold events to pray for Israel and address sins that endanger Israel. Just as all the other sinners, Israelis also need the Jew Jesus and His salvation. Just as the Old Testament prophets, who loved Israel, spoke against Israel’s sins, today the Christian Church that loves Israel should speak against abortion and the gay agenda embraced by left-wing and right-wing Israelis.
With information from The Jerusalem Post.
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