Monday, April 19, 2021

Brazilian minister who said he prayed that LGBT actor may be taken by his owner became a target of a homophobia lawsuit


Brazilian minister who said he prayed that LGBT actor may be taken by his owner became a target of a homophobia lawsuit

By Julio Severo

A minister in the Assemblies of God in Brazil who said that he was praying for a gay actor, hospitalized for a month because of Covid-19, to be taken by his owner became a target of dozens of gay groups seeking to sue him for “homophobia.” The groups claim that the minister wants to kill the gay through prayers.

In a Facebook post, which later was deleted, Rev. José Olímpio, in the Assemblies of God of Alagoas, Brazil, said:

“This is actor Paulo Gustavo whom some are asking prayers for. And will you pray? I pray for his owner to take him close to himself.”

In repudiation of this prayer, several Brazilian homosexual groups issued a note saying:

“It is urgent for crimes as these, motivated by homophobia, to be added to the examples of LGBTphobia, in the law fighting racism n. 7.716/2018, and that more rigorous and severe punishments may be taken against homophobic behavior and discriminatory acts as this.”

The text was written by Toni Reis, who in the past requested the Brazilian Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office to incriminate me for “homophobia,” because my articles take a strong Christian and biblical stance against his favorite sin. He stopped persecuting me only after I left Brazil with my family.

Actor Paulo Gustavo has a history of making jokes against Jesus Christ. But that does not justify an outrage that wants his death, nor does it justify homosexual groups turning a blind eye to his prejudiced jokes.

In his note, Reis added that this prayer is a “criminal act of violence, practiced by this religious leader.”

He treated the prayer as a real attempt of violence and murder. It was a so great exaggeration that surpassed the exaggeration of prayer itself.

This is not a standard prayer of truly converted Christians. A true Christian prays for conversion of sinners, whether murderers, adulterers, thieves, pedophiles, homosexuals, etc.

Worthy of attention is that Toni kings and homosexual groups connected to him treated minister’s prayer as a “crime.”

Even being outside Christian standards, the Pentecostal minister’s prayer offers a useful view of the spiritual world of ministers and homosexuals.

Seeing from the minister’s perspective, how can he enter into the presence of Jesus for prayer and say, “Jesus, I put before you that gay and I want you to make his owner take him.”

From the point of view of the Bible, the owner of homosexuals is the devil.

If such prayers were heard, there would be no homosexuals in the world.

However, there are only two questions. Christians do not make these prayers and God does not hear this kind of prayer.

Seeing from perspective of homosexuals, why are they worried about a prayer that asks for them to be taken by their owner? They should not worry, unless they know who the owner is actually — that he is a malignant and diabolical creature.

If a LGBT activist tells me he will pray that my owner will take me, I will not mind. I know my owner — Jesus Christ. He is not subject to anyone’s prayers. I’m not afraid of my owner, who is not a killer and does not hear prayers of those who want the death of others.

But apparently, homosexuals are afraid of their owner. It is no secret that many homosexuals have a special preference for witchcraft, where prayers and ritual sacrifices are made against people. These prayers and sacrifices include even requests for demons to kill people. Perhaps the gay groups suing the minister think he wants to do them the same thing as they, through witchcraft, do to others.

If a gay activist performs a prayer or ritual sacrifice of witchcraft against me, I trust in Jesus, who is more powerful than Satan and his witches. In the name of Jesus, I break the power of witchcraft.

So because many Brazilian homosexuals prefer witchcraft, they do not unaware of prayers against people.

I am sure that the minister who made prayer out of Christian standards was rebuked by other ministers. But if his prayer, which is not common in Christian churches, deserves legal punishment for “homophobia,” what about witchcraft places attended by homosexuals who routinely make prayers and ritual sacrifices against people and their lives? Should Police close these places and leave homosexuals without their favorite religion?

More clearly, if the imprudent prayer of the AG minister is a crime, what are the prayers and sacrifices of the favorite religion of Brazilian gays? Fatally, the attempt for homosexualist activist Toni Reis to criminalize an imprudent prayer criminalizes witches, their prayers and ritual sacrifices against people.

“Homophobia” was officially criminalized in Brazil in 2019 by the Federal Supreme Court. In the classification of “homophobia,” acts and opinions against homosexuals have been criminalized.

If the minister wants to continue praying for the owner of homosexual sin to take his slaves he will have to change religion. By coincidence, the favorite religion of homosexuals prays against people’s lives.

If homosexuals who practice witchcraft believe that the devil is a kind creature, they should not worry about any prayer asking for their owner to take them. Although I do not agree at all with these prayers, homosexuals need to tell if they are or not afraid of their spiritual owner.

If all the ministers prayed for sinners to be taken by their demonic owners, evangelization would become useless, for lack of sinners to hear the Gospel.

I do not pray for the death of sinners. I pray for their salvation. But no one can guarantee that homosexuals, who prefer witchcraft, have those same feelings. No one can guarantee that in their witchcraft meetings prayers are not made against Christians.

Yet, I’m not afraid. I am not afraid of my owner, because I know whom I serve. And I’m not afraid of the owner of homosexuals, because I know whom they serve.

Portuguese version of this article: Pastor que disse que ora para que ator LGBT seja levado pelo dono se tornou alvo de processo por homofobia

Source: Last Days Watchman

Recommended Reading:

Brazil’s Supreme Court criminalizes “homophobia,” making discriminatory acts and views against homosexuals a crime like racism

Largest U.S. Gay Magazine Furious Over Evangelical Protest Against U.S. Government Effort to Decriminalize Homosexuality Around the World

Answering a gay activist and his nonsense on Saudi Arabia, slavery, women’s rights and the deity of homosexuality

Theological Faggoting: Liberation Theology and Theology of Integral Mission Environment Producing Gay Theology in Brazil

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