Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Answering a gay activist and his nonsense on Saudi Arabia, slavery, women’s rights and the deity of homosexuality

Answering a gay activist and his nonsense on Saudi Arabia, slavery, women’s rights and the deity of homosexuality

By Julio Severo
On June 2019, my blog Last Days Watchman was targeted by The Slowly Boiled Frog, a homosexualist blog usually targeting big conservative organizations. It is administrated by David Cary Hart, who purportedly uses his blog to express his “observations of LGBT issues, gun politics and progressive ideas.”
Julio Severo is the author of “Prophetic Prayers: Daily Prayer Guide Based on the Book of Proverbs.” Intriguing no doubt. Julio Severo is also the author of Taylor Swift Music Video Attacks People Who Protest Against LGBTQ Behavior, But Refrains from Condemning Islamic Nations that Execute Homosexuals. Within this intellectual masterpiece is this:
If Swift treated Saudis the way she has treated Christians in her music video, the Saudi reprisals would be fast.
If she does not accept Christians who do not accept homosexual depravity, she should target George Washington, the first U.S. president. He never executed homosexuals, but he discharged dishonorably from the Army a soldier who committed sodomy (homosexual acts).
Then he begins his criticism:
Get a grip Julio. We can choose not to visit Saudi Arabia. However, in the United States (Severo is Brazilian) anti-LGBT Christians are trying to impose their religious beliefs on everyone else, often as public policy. Those same “kind” Christians demonize and marginalize people based on ancient texts of dubious provenance. Suppose Moonies were in the majority.
If, as David Cary Hart said, U.S. gay activists do not need to criticize Saudi Arabia because they can choose not to visit this Islamic dictatorship, so why have they leveled non-stop criticism on Russia since Putin approved a law banning homosexual propaganda to children and teens in 2013?
Why do they criticize so much Russia and its law protecting children from homosexuality if they can just choose not to visit Russia?
There is a serious problem. U.S. gay activists are trying to impose their homosexual beliefs on everyone else, especially schoolchildren, often as public policy. Those same “kind” gay activists use the mainstream media to demonize and marginalize Christians purely based on their homosexual depravations.
Saudi Arabia and Russia have their own ways to address such homosexual activism. Saudi Arabia kills the indoctrination and its indoctrinators. Russia kills only the indoctrination, leaving homosexuals live their depravities in their own private places. Even so, U.S. gay activists have chosen not to criticize Saudi Arabia and directed all their criticism to Russia. Is their criticism politically motivated?
As to Moonies, even though they have an apparently nice right-wing speech, their religious philosophy puts Rev. Moon as a messiah above Jesus Christ, the only true Messiah. This philosophy is anti-Christian.
Hart said,
“As for our first president, when he assumed office we were slavers. Women had no rights at all. It would be almost three years before the Bill of Rights was ratified. So what is the point?”
Slavery was common in all societies. In fact, it is common in several African societies today, where blacks enslave blacks. Slavery was not begun by Christians, but was ended by them. It was not secularists, atheists and definitely not gay activists who ended slavery. It was Christians. It was evangelicals in England and America. And in societies with accepted homosexuality, slavery had the added suffering of homosexual abuses, with homosexuals targeting especially children for homosexual slavery. Isn’t this a good point?
As to women in George Washington’s time, even though they could not vote, they were fully protected by men, who honored them. If a man disguised as a woman tried to enter a female restroom, there were real men to punish the abuser, and laws protected women and their male protectors against homosexual abusers. Today, with more “women’s rights,” men disguised as women can enter female restrooms, and men are legally hindered from protecting women, who are even afraid to ask help because homosexuals have legally become more protected than women and children.
Because of homosexual rights, women are losing their rights of being protected. And children also are losing. And men are losing the right to protect their wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and boys.
Next, Hart says,
Julio Severo also has a blog titled: Last Days Watchman which seems to be an homage to prosperity gospel grifter and Trumper Paula White. According to Severo: “Bringing you articles by a man who has felt God's call to alert God's people in these last days.”
People have been shouting “the end is near” for centuries and they are never wrong. What they often claim is to have uniquely heard the voice of their deity when no one else has. They have been selected, you see, for their piety. They are special. They then claim that they are doing the bidding of their god. I often wonder if these people really believe their own BS.
What he calls “deity” in my case is Jesus Christ. Is not it much better to serve Jesus than to serve sin? Or is there something special in AIDS and STDs produced by the deity of homosexuality? I have served Jesus for decades and he has healed me from diseases, delivered me from sins and blessed me with blessings I do not deserve. Has the deity of homosexuality been able to do the same thing for its victims?
Because Hart reminded his readers that I am a Brazilian, interestingly his surname, Hart, is translated “veado” in Portuguese, whose synonym is “fag.” He cannot complain that Brazilian dictionaries have perverted anything because he and his homosexual accomplices have perverted much, much more. Traditionally Brazilian dictionaries define homosexuality as synonymous with “pederasty” (sex between men and boys). It is synonymous also with “sodomy,” an old word for homosexuality. The Webster Dictionary (1913) says that “pederasty” is synonymous with “sodomy.”
When you see a lot of sexual scandals in the Catholic Church involving priests abusing boys you know that they have a problem with pederasty and homosexuality. The Catholic Church will be able to solve its pederasty problem only after it solves its homosexual problem.
Hart said about The Slowly Boiled Frog,
“The primary mission of this blog is to reflect on issues pertaining to LGBT equality. Equality is achieved with equal protection under the law in every state of the union. To achieve equality requires (but is not limited to) national marriage equality and passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination ACT (ENDA).”
Interestingly, The Slowly Boiled Frog means, according to Hart, “Boil a frog slowly and it fails to appreciate its own peril.” Men involved in homosexuality are being slowly boiled by Satan, but they fail to appreciate their own peril. Unwittingly, Hart revealed his own tragic reality. He is himself The Slowly Boiled Frog, or The Slowly Boiled Homosexual.
God created man and woman. They are equal in importance and different in roles and functions. The deity of homosexuality has created nothing good, but only perverted what God created. There is equality between true, real and biological sexes, but no equality between perverted sex and biological sex. Even so, at the guise of fighting for equality what Hart and other perverted creatures want is to do exactly what they condemn in others: They are trying to impose their homosexual beliefs on everyone else, especially schoolchildren, often as public policy. They demonize and marginalize Christians purely based on their homosexual depravations.
So I am not surprised that my blog has been demonized by Hart (veado).
Recommended Reading on the U.S. Left against Julio Severo:
Another Recommended Reading:

1 comment :

John Eidsmoe said...

As to why many American LBGT activists choose not to criticize Saudia Arabia and other Islamic countries, I think the answer is, The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
LGBT activists and radical Islamists refrain from attacking each other because they believe they have a common enemy in the United States and Western Christian culture. Once they no longer perceive Christianity as a threat, they will turn on each other.