Monday, December 12, 2016

Radical Gay Activist Defends Brazil’s Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Radical Gay Activist Defends Brazil’s Mackenzie Presbyterian University

By Julio Severo
In 2012, Brazilian gay activist Márcio Retamero became famous by defending armed violence against Christian opponents of the gay “marriage.”
Now he is defending the Mackenzie Presbyterian University (MPU), in São Paulo, Brazil, because I said that as a Protestant institution, the Presbyterian university should honor its evangelical commitments. Retamero defends that, because MPU is connected to the Brazilian Department of Education, it should honor “secular” commitments.
This MPU is doing very well. MPU professors have been defending abortion, homosexuality and Marxism.
In a Senate hearing on August 6, 2015, MPU professor Márcia Tiburi said, “To vociferate against abortion is just a biopolitical way to control women’s lives. Abortion legalization is a fundamental part of a socially responsible democratic process.”
MPU professor Osvaldo Coggiola has several books defending Marxism, including the Cuban Revolution.
MPU professor Marcelo Moreira Neumann, author of the Brazilian study “Homophobic Bullying and School Performance,” defends automatic gender neutrality in birth registries.
Mackenzie Presbyterian University is the most prominent Calvinist or Presbyterian educational institution in Brazil.
What is fascinating is that Mackenzie, with all its Calvinist confession, and Calvinist leaders who have decision power to stop all this mess, are very fast and sharp to attack the conservative growth produced by neo-Pentecostals (charismatics) in Brazil, as reported recently by the Islamic news website Al Jazeera, where a Mackenzie professor criticized the neo-Pentecostal (charismatic) growth leading the Brazilian politics to the Right.
If the MPU owner (Presbyterian Church of Brazil) is actually evangelical, why has it allowed this to happen? Lack of vision?
Lack of vision, to those who do not believe in vision, is normal. MPU had been headed for many years by Rev. Augustus Nicodemus, who had authority in the hiring of professors opposed to Marxism and abortion, but he preferred to occupy himself with his cessationist theology, which denies that the Holy Spirit grants today gifts as vision and prophecy. Nicodemus is the greatest cessationist theologian in Brazil.
Márcio Retamero is very satisfied with the MPU’s current secularized state. But he is not happy about my comments. Days ago, I said in my Facebook:
“What kind of gospel is this? Certain Brazilian Calvinists talk crudely about Brazilian Assemblies of God minister Silas Malafaia and other charismatics. Very easily, they label everything in them ‘heresy.’ But when they talk about the Mackenzie Presbyterian University (MPU), which has Marxist, pro-abortion and homosexualist professors, those same Calvinists use respectful and pleasing terms. Is apostasy only sanctified and approved when it brings Calvin’s seal? If Malafaia and charismatics had the belligerent and quarrelsome spirit of those Brazilian Calvinists, they would say week after week that MPU is a pit of apostasy — a labeling in harmony with Bible’s reality, because no evangelical educational institution can have Marxist, pro-abortion and homosexualist professors.”
Retamero answered:
“Wait! One thing is a confessional, denomination seminary, etc. Another thing very different is a college, which even though is an autarchy or belonging to a denomination, has a secular character, is connected to the Department of Education and laws and the Constitution. In seminary is valid the faith principles of a church, usually these are not connected to the Department of Education (in the Presbyterian Church of Brazil is this way, later its students make a test of validation of the course made at the seminary). Little Severo always talking little nonsense… Some people do not learn.”
I said,
“It does not matter the standard of the Department of Education. The important thing is that having Marxist, pro-abortion and homosexualist professors, the Mackenzie Presbyterian University attempts against God’s standard, peddling itself and prostituting itself for a plate of lentils. To those who are not faithful to the Bible, this is nothing. But to those who are faithful, this is apostasy.”
Retamero answered,
“What does [Julio] recommend? That MPU severs relations with the Department of Education and goes bankrupt?! Notify this fundamentalist fanatical Taliban madman that the Bible is not — thank God — the Constitution of this nation, because in this country the State is still secular. This guy irritates in a high degree!”
A Secular State is helpful for keeping the most prominent Calvinist institution in Brazil in the orbit of Marxist, pro-abortion and homosexualist professors, according to Retamero’s view. And he defends his “secular” ideas with the typical violence of Marxists.
In a hearing at the House of Representatives in Brazil in 2012, Retamero said that he is willing to take up arms against Christians that defend natural family. You can watch him saying this in this video:
Retamero, who uses the title “reverend” and proclaims that he is the minister of the Presbyterian Church of the Botafogo Beach and of the Metropolitan Community Church in Rio de Janeiro, praises the secularized state of Mackenzie Presbyterian University, but he mocks real Christians. In 2009, he published an article entitled “Open Letter to Julio Severo, a Religious Fundamentalist and Homophobic,” where, by accusing my blog of spreading hatred against homosexuals, he said “I ask federal prosecutors to keep their efforts to find him, and bring him back, even by extradition.”
Nicodemus, the most prominent Presbyterian theologian in Brazil who has criticized by name C. Peter Wagner and other charismatics, has never criticized by name Retamero, the most prominent Presbyterian gay activist in Brazil.
Recommended Reading:

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