Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Brazil’s Mackenzie Presbyterian University and Its Marxist Professor

Brazil’s Mackenzie Presbyterian University and Its Marxist Professor

By Julio Severo
It is an indisputable fact that secular universities are filled with Marxist professors. The evident result is that journalists and economists come out from these universities regurgitating Karl Marx.
Osvaldo Coggiola
How to have journalism and economy classes without defiling yourself with Marxism at secular and public universities? The apparently obvious answer for Brazilian evangelicals is: have such classes at the Mackenzie Presbyterian University (MPU) in São Paulo, Brazil. Supposedly, a Protestant university would never have a Marxist professor.
Just supposedly, because actually MPU has Professor Osvaldo Coggiola, who teaches journalism and economy there. He is the author of an article titled “In Defense of Marxism.” This is the smallest of his works.
His specialty is Marxist advocacy, and he does it frequently in his many published books, including:
·         O trotskismo na América Latina (Trotskyism in Latin America)
·         Marxismo Hoje (Marxism Today)
·         Marx e Engels na História (Marx and Engels in History)
·         História e Revolução (History and Revolution)
·         Engels: o Segundo Violino (Engels: the Second Violin)
·         Ontem e Hoje: Manifesto Comunista (Yesterday and Today: Communist Manifesto)
·         Revolução Cubana (Cuban Revolution)
·         Escritos Sobre a Comuna de Paris (Writings on a Paris Commune)
·         América Latina: Encruzilhada da História Contemporânea (Latin America: Crossroad of Contemporary History)
·         Governo Lula: da Esperança à Realidade (Lula Administration: from Hope to Reality)
·         Neoliberalismo ou Crise do Capital? (Neo-Liberalism or Crisis of the Capital?)
·         Governos Militares na América Latina (Military Governments in Latin America)
·         25 de Outubro de 1917: a Revolução Russa (October 25, 1917: Russian Revolution)
If the MPU owner (Presbyterian Church of Brazil) is actually evangelical, why has it allowed this to happen? Lack of vision?
Lack of vision, to those who do not believe in vision, is normal. MPU had been headed for many years by Rev. Augustus Nicodemus, who had authority in the hiring of professors opposed to Marxism and abortion, but he preferred to occupy himself with his cessationist theology, which denies that the Holy Spirit grants today gifts as vision and prophecy. Nicodemus is the greatest cessationist theologian in Brazil.
While he was busy attacking evangelicals who believe in the supernatural gifts of God today, the devil — the father of abortion, Marxism and cessationism — was choosing professors for MPU.
Perhaps if Nicodemus and his Presbyterian university had those gifts, they could see spiritually and avoid the temptation of hiring pro-abortion and Marxist professors.
Yet, are supernatural gifts necessary for them to see the obvious fact that an evangelical university should never have pro-abortion and Marxist professors?
Recommended Reading:

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