Saturday, June 22, 2019

Calvinist founder of the Biblical Flat Earth Society is arrested for sexual exploitation of a minor after police investigation found that he had stash of child pornography on his computer

Calvinist founder of the Biblical Flat Earth Society is arrested for sexual exploitation of a minor after police investigation found that he had stash of child pornography on his computer

By Julio Severo
A Calvinist apologist who founded the “Biblical Flat Earth Society” has been charged with 56 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and now faces life in prison.
Philip Stallings, 40, was arrested on June 19, 2019, on 28 counts of second-degree sexual exploitation of a minor and 28 counts of third-degree sexual exploitation of a minor.
His arrest follows a joint investigation by the Durham County Sheriff’s Office and U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and stem from downloaded pornography found on his computer allegedly of minors involved in sexual activities.
In his own website, Stallings identifies himself as a “Reformed Christian Apologist, Theonomist.”
In his article “Are Apostles And Prophets For Today?” Stallings totally rejects the position of apostle and prophet for today, adding that revelations ceased when the Bible was complete 2,000 years ago. Calvinists use the title “apologist” often to mean they defend their Calvinist interpretation of the Bible, especially against charismatics and Pentecostals. So it is no wonder that Stallings self-identifies as an “apologist” and defends cessationist theologians Sproul and John MacArthur, author of “Strange Fire,” against charismatics and Pentecostals.
Stallings also advocates the Flat Earth theory. In his article “The Biblical Flat Earth: The Illuminati Agenda,” he said,
Many people have asked me about the motive and goal behind covering up the flat earth. In addition, many have asked why would the elite want us to think it's round and spinning and that we landed on the moon?
We know satan is the “father of lies” and seeks to deceive through counterfeit schemes and agendas (John 8:44).
The heliocentric position is certainly connected to sun worship which goes all the way back to Nimrod and the tower of Babel.
Then Stallings says that the same elites who “cover up the flat Earth” advocate “sterilization, sodomite marriage, Zika virus, geo-engineering, chemtrails, abortion (infanticide), wars in the Middle East, GMO’s, multiculturalism, and vaccines.”
The Big Media, which is intolerant of conservative evangelicals, could easily lump all conservative, pro-life, pro-family and evangelical stances together with the flat Earth theory and unfairly label all conservative evangelicals as Flat Earth fanatics, especially because the alleged pedophile also has videos against “feminists, transvestites, sodomites and women in the military.”
Stallings has a substantial following of 6,000 on a YouTube channel with videos about flat Earth theory.
It seems that his refusal to let God direct him supernaturally left him open to demonic guidance. Actually, he did not let God speak to him through the Bible and through the Holy Spirit.
His arrest comes as part of a wider Homeland Security investigation into child pornography on the internet. He allegedly duplicated and possessed images of minors performing sex acts.
A judge set his bail at $500,000.
If he does posts bond, he is prohibited from contact with children and using any computers or other devices that would allow him to collect photos or videos.
The alleged pedophile has several previous convictions between 1996 and 2008, including assaulting women, false imprisonment, credit card fraud, theft, assault of an officer and impaired driving, according to state Department of Public Safety records.
With information from DailyMail and Philip Stallings’s personal website.
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