Friday, February 24, 2012

US gay group behind the shutdown of Julio Severo PayPal account wants to defeat Russian law banning homosexual propaganda

US gay group behind the shutdown of Julio Severo PayPal account wants to defeat Russian law banning homosexual propaganda

By Julio Severo
People around the world are cheering a new law in St. Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia, banning homosexual propaganda.
Yet, AllOut is not cheering. It is calling upon gays and government officials in America, Europe and around the world to defeat the Russian law protecting children from gay indoctrination. The American gay group launched an international campaign this week to exert pressure on Russian lawmakers.
AllOut says, “Over the past few months over 250,000 people have joined All Out in denouncing the bill, and thousands of us have picked up the phone to call our foreign offices, pushing the US, UK, Germany, France, Australia and others to issue official condemnations. We have to keep up the pressure — now, more than ever.”
It also says, “Calls and letters have rolled in from around the world, but it's not enough.  So with your help, we're going to hit the Governor of St. Petersburg where it counts — in his wallet.” 
In its international campaign to have my PayPal account closed, AllOut wanted also to hit me in my wallet, hindering my readers and friends from sending me voluntary donations through PayPal.
Even though PayPal has chosen to succumb to their pressure, my readers and friends keep helping, by other ways.
I do not know what St. Petersburg can do to resist such pressure from an American gay group, but there is no doubt that AllOut needs to be hit in its wallet too.
The economic crisis in America could affect AllOut, but then the Obama administration could manage to help them, as its priority is to promote the gay cause, even by threatening to hit Third World nations in their pockets — by denying them aid — if they do not comply with the US-gay agenda.
Hillary Clinton and the US government have openly condemned the conservative law in St. Petersburg. According to LifeSiteNews, “The bill, which prohibits ‘public activities promoting homosexuality,’ is being denounced by homosexualist activist groups as ‘anti-gay’ and it is being vocally opposed by the U.S. State Department.”
The powerful liberal structures in America will only stop their anticonservative actions when deeply hit in their own pockets.
I miss the times of Ronald Reagan, when the American conservatism threatened the Russian communism.
Today, the US cultural decadence threatens the emergent conservatism in Russia and around the world.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Abortion games between Brazil and UN

Abortion games between Brazil and UN

By Julio Severo
Last week the Dilma Rousseff administration was pressed by CEDAW (Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women) about an alleged number of 200,000 deaths of women each year because of illegal abortion in Brazil. The Brazilian representatives showed no willingness to question this patently inflated number.
Official data from the Brazilian government show that 146 women, whose pregnancy ended in abortion, died in 1996. In 2004, 156 women died.
Where did CEDAW get the extravagant figure of 200,000 deaths? From Brazilian feminist NGOs funded largely by US pro-abortion institutions as MacArthur, Rockefeller, and Ford Foundations, which usually sponsor the pro-abortion training of feminist leaders in Brazil, so that they may not be out of step with their American counterparts in maneuvers of language, statistics and political and legal actions.
After this training, they are ready to progress to several government and non-government capacities, and many of them are today in the UN system echoing First World ideological insanities with a “Brazilian” voice.
CEDAW made Brazilian representatives give an accounting of this high figure, asking the question, “What are you going to do with this huge political problem?” It also made it clear that it believes criminalization of abortion is connected to high death rates.
This was an excellent, timely “pressure”, because the Brazilian government has every willingness, ideological and otherwise, to solve “this huge political problem”. Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, a “former member of a communist terrorist organization that sought to overthrow the Brazilian government in the 1960s and 70s, is on record supporting the decriminalization of abortion before her presidential run”.
Yet, she found herself forced to sign a pledge not to introduce abortionist or homosexualist legislation during her presidential term to boost her sagging poll numbers after Christians began to alert the population to her record.
Because of this pledge, she has some difficulty to solve “this huge political problem”. But it did not hinder her from appointing Eleonora Menicucci as the women’s minister. Menicucci, who led the Brazilian delegation to “face” CEDAW, is a friend of Rousseff and was incarcerated with her during the 1970s, when they were arrested for terrorism.
Menicucci was a member of a feminist group and trained, in Colombia, to do abortions. Even though abortion is illegal in Brazil (except in case of rape and life risk for mothers), she has bragged that she had two abortions.
It was no displeasure for her to meet her fellow feminists in CEDAW, which made it clear that CEDAW “cannot defend abortion”. Nevertheless, Magaly Arocha, of CEDAW, told the Brazilian delegation, “women are going to abort anyway. This is reality.”
The official UN document said, “Unsafe abortions in Brazil were an issue of great concern to that Committee [on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women], which had already recommended that Brazil decriminalize abortion.”
To calm down her UN abortion comrades, Menicucci’s report explained the government’s attempt to squelch a right-to-life bill called the Statute of the Unborn, which would prohibit the killing of unborn children in all circumstances.
CEDAW also complained to the Brazilian delegation that “discriminatory practices in… marriage could still be found in legislation and sought clarification”. But the official Brazilian response assured that the government has been taking measures to eliminate “inequalities”: “Important achievements had been made through judicial proceedings, especially of the Supreme Court, which allowed same sex couples to register their civil union.”
Wow! The priority of CEDAW, as a UN agency to “help” women, is to advance homosexual “marriage” and abortion! It is no surprise that the same CEDAW that is advancing a radical feminist ideology is a fierce enemy of Mother’s Day. CEDAW hates every original trace of feminine characteristics. It wants women in 50% of all male capacities, including military. It hates women in female roles.
CEDAW complained that Brazil has a small number of women in the Congress. The UN ideal, of course, would be 50%, but be assured that UN would not be pleased if such women resembled Mother Theresa of Calcutta. The ideal woman for UN is like Eleonora Menicucci, with a story of abortions, abortion training, communist terrorism, and a promiscuous sex life. With such women, the Brazilian Congress and Rousseff will nevermore have any problems to advance feminist, abortion, gay and other ideologies approved by UN.
CEDAW also praised highly “Maria da Penha”, a Brazilian law against “domestic violence”. Any minimal violent act from a husband or partner can bring about harsh penalties to them. Yet, in violent acts between women and unborn children, there is no “Maria da Penha” to protect children from female violence and murder, which are softened and turned into a right. If men embraced a similar ideological insanity, they could be guaranteed by UN a “right” to murder women. And with such insanity in motion, the foremost worry of UN would be the murder of women as a “right”.
The reality is, the foremost worry of CEDAW with the Brazilian delegation was how to decriminalize the murder of unborn babies through abortion!
There was an interesting game between Brazil and UN. Menicucci and CEDAW wanted to defend abortion openly, but both recurred to trickery language to express their ideological feelings.
The Brazilian report to CEDAW complained, “The distancing from conservative positions in relation to the role of men and women in our society is happening less rapidly than would be desired.”
The conservative views of most Brazilians, especially women, have hindered Rousseff and Menicucci from being free to impose their personal, ideological views on the all Brazilian women and other Brazilians.
Similarly, the conservative views of most women and nations have hindered the UN from being free to impose its personal, ideological views on the rest of the world.
Even so, with word games and trickery language about “rights”, they hope to achieve what with honesty and correct figures they could never achieve.
Portuguese version of this article: Jogos de aborto entre Brasil e ONU
Spanish version of this article: Juegos de aborto entre Brasil y ONU
A version of this article, written by Julio Severo, was published originally by LifeSiteNews entitled: “The UN’s made-up up figures: now claims 200,000 die from illegal abortions in Brazil”.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Brazilian government demands apology from televangelist for ‘homophobia’

Brazilian government demands apology from televangelist for ‘homophobia’

February 21, 2012 ( — A Brazilian federal prosecutor is demanding that a televangelist retract certain statements he made in 2011 which the prosecutor says incited “hatred” against homosexuals — a thinly veiled threat of future legal action.
“The people in the Gay Parade mock the symbols of the Catholic Church and no one says anything,” televangelist Silas Malafaia reportedly said. “The Catholic Church should take a stick to these guys, you know? They should lower the club on them.”
Malafaia has reportedly responded to criticisms that he was inciting violence against homosexuals by stating that by “take a stick” (“entrar de pau”) and “lower the club” (“baixar o porrete) he meant the Church should “formulate criticisms, take legal actions.”
In his remarks Malafaia was referring to the desecration of sacred images that occur regularly in homosexual parades in Brazil.
Federal prosecutor Jefferson Aparecido Dias says the comments contain “clear homophobic content, because they incite violence against homosexuals” and “constitute hate speech, incompatible with he constitutional functions of social communication.”  He is demanding that Malafaia give a public retraction, devoting double the time to his apology as he did to the original statements.
Malafaia, a minister with the Victory in Christ Assembly of God whose broadcasts are viewed by millions in Brazil, the United States, and many other countries, says the accusation against him is “absurd.”
“I am absolutely not going to retract. The gays manipulate my statements to incriminate me, and I am the one who has to retract? This must be a joke.”
The threat against Malafaia reflects a growing conflict between the regime of socialist president Dilma Rousseff and religious broadcasters, who were largely responsible for her near-defeat in the 2010 presidential elections.
Following objections by Evangelicals and Catholics to Rousseff’s pro-abortion and homosexualist record, she found her poll numbers dropping, and was forced into a runoff with one of her three major opponents. She then signed a statement promising not to initiate pro-abortion or homosexualist legislation during her term in office.
Socialist government authorities are also seeking to withdraw the broadcasting license of the Catholic New Song (Cancão Nova) television network, whose programs have also been critical of the social policies of the ruling Worker’s Party.
Source: LifeSiteNews, via Julio Severo in English:

Brazil government scrambles to repair damage with Evangelicals after pro-abort appointment

Brazil government scrambles to repair damage with Evangelicals after pro-abort appointment

February 21, 2012 ( — Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and her administration are seeking to mend fences with the powerful Evangelical caucus of the National Congress following her recent decision to appoint abortion enthusiast Eleonora Menicucci as her Minister of Women’s Policies.
In an attempt to head off a revolt against her administration by the caucus, known as the Evangelical Parliamentary Front, Rousseff sent Secretary General of the Presidency Gilberto Carvalho to reassure the group that the president has not changed her claimed opposition to abortion, nor reneged on her 2010 campaign promise not to introduce legislation to legalize the deadly procedure. Menicucci’s pro-abortion position, Carvalho said, is a private opinion.
“President Dilma has asked that I reaffirm for the caucus that the position of the government regarding abortion is the position that she took in the electoral campaign, and which is explicit in all of that process and that the positions we the ministers hold publicly are not individual positions,” said Carvalho. “They are positions of the government, and the position of the government regarding that issue will be absolutely clear and will continue to be so.”
The hiring of Menicucci has caused an eruption of controversy in Brazil, whose electorate is strongly religious and pro-life.  Menicucci has a history not only of supporting the legalization of abortion, but has even boasted of being trained to do abortions in Colombia, and of having had two of her own children aborted.
Menicucci has also spoken proudly of her homosexual trysts and sexual promiscuity during her previous career as a member of a communist revolutionary organization during the 1970s. Menicucci was imprisoned in the same facility as Rousseff herself, who was also a member of a violent revolutionary group at the time.
Carvalho also found himself forced to apologize to the caucus for remarks he recently made at a meeting of the World Social Forum, in which he reportedly spoke against Evangelical influences on the lower classes of society through the media.  He has also been accused of having counseled the creation of programming to counter the Evangelical influence, which he denied.
“The apology I made was not for my words, but for the feelings that they caused in some deputies and senators,” Carvalho told the press later.
Tension run high between the presidential administration of Dilma Rousseff and many televangelists, whose preaching contradicts the leftist social agenda of Rousseff’s labor party.
Following a three-hour closed-door meeting with the caucus, members reportedly expressed some degree of satisfaction with Carvalho’s “apology,” but remained circumspect.
“Pardoning is different than forgetting,” Evangelical deputy Anthony Garotinho told the Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper.
Source: LifeSiteNews, via Julio Severo in English:
Article by Julio Severo officially published by the Evangelical Parliamentary Front: Helping Take Care of the Social Health

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We’re fighting pro-life legislation in Congress, Brazilian government assures UN

We’re fighting pro-life legislation in Congress, Brazilian government assures UN

February 14, 2012 ( — In a report it is presenting to a United Nations committee this week in Switzerland, the Brazilian government laments that, “The distancing from conservative positions in relation to the role of men and women in our society is happening less rapidly than would be desired.”
The report, which will be presented to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women by Brazil’s newly-appointed pro-abortion Women’s Policy minister Eleonora Menicucci, will also explain the government’s attempt to squelch a right-to-life bill called the Statute of the Unborn, which would prohibit the killing of unborn children in all circumstances.
“It is crucial that the project be rejected in the Committee on the Constitution, Justice, and Citizenship,” the Rousseff administration writes.
The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, which is known for pressuring countries to legalize abortion, has reportedly asked Brazil to give an account of “specific measures adopted to contend with the problem of unsafe abortions,” to which the government responds in part that it performed abortions on 60 women who were raped in 2010.
The content of the report is seen as another sign that Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s “opposition” to abortion, which she proclaimed during the 2010 presidential election, was not a serious one.
Rousseff, a former member of a communist terrorist organization that sought to overthrow the Brazilian government in the 1960s and 70s, is on record supporting the decriminalization of abortion before her presidential run.
However, Rousseff found herself forced to sign a pledge not to introduce abortionist or homosexualist legislation during her presidential term to boost her sagging poll numbers after Evangelical Protestants and Catholics began to alert the faithful to her record.
Source: LifeSiteNews via Julio Severo in English:

Brazil’s new women’s minister was trained to do abortions, had two of her own children aborted

Brazil’s new women’s minister was trained to do abortions, had two of her own children aborted

February 14, 2012 ( — Brazil’s new Women’s Policy Minister, Eleonora Menicucci, was trained in Colombia to personally perform abortions, according to an interview published yesterday by Brazilian columnist Reinaldo Azevedo.
Eleonora Menicucci: communist terrorism, feminism, abortions and a lot of sexual promiscuity
Speaking about her past as a militant, Menicucci notes that in 1995 “I was a member of a Feminist Sexuality and Health Collective, and, at that time, through the Collective, I was also doing a course on abortion in Colombia.”
Asked “what was that course on abortion like?” Menicucci responds, “It was in the abortion clinics. We learned to do abortions.”  She adds that the purpose was to “self-train” so that “non-doctors could deal with abortions.”
During the course of the interview, Menicucci adds that the abortions were “suction abortions,” also known as “Manual Inter-Uterine Aspiration” abortions.
Abortion was illegal in Colombia in 1995, where most abortions continue to be prohibited today.  In addition to performing abortions, Menicucci admits to having had at least one of her two abortions in Brazil, where the procedure is also illegal in all but cases of rape.
The interview, which was conducted in 2004 and discovered by Azevedo in the archives of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, reveals much about the worldview of the one who has been selected to oversee women’s policy for the Brazil’s executive branch.
Menicucci says that she had one of her unborn children killed while she was engaged in armed struggle against the government in the 1970s, because the terrorist organization she had joined decided that it wasn’t compatible with her activities as a member.
“My judgment was that I had to carry out the armed struggle… And an important detail in that course (of action) is that, six months after my daughter was born, I was impregnated again,” Manicucci tells the interviewer.
“At that point, together with the organization, we decided, the organization, us, that I should have an abortion. In the situation, to have another child, no?...That was the second abortion that I did,” she says.
Menicucci reveals that she was so sexually promiscuous that she was “very much questioned” by the left, and that the revolutionary group of which she was a member, “for security reasons,” wanted her to “only have sexual relations with members of my organization.”
Menicucci also discusses her first lesbian encounter - which occurred while she was married. However, she assures her interviewer, there was no problem because “he was a very libertarian guy.” 
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has stirred controversy in Brazil in recent days by her appointment of Menicucci, who was incarcerated with Rousseff during the 1970s, when they were arrested for terrorism. Menicucci’s unapologetic pro-abortion stance seems to belie Rousseff’s claim to be pro-life, which was key to her victory in the 2010 presidential elections.
Menicucci is scheduled to speak this week at the United Nations, when she will reportedly make assurances that the Brazilian executive is combating pro-life legislation.
Source: LifeSiteNews via Julio Severo in English:
Brazilian Presidential Frontrunner Signs Pledge Not to Decriminalize Abortion

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Brazilian president stokes fire of abortion issue with new pro-abortion appointment

Brazilian president stokes fire of abortion issue with new pro-abortion appointment

February 9, 2012 ( - Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is provoking speculation about her intentions following the appointment of a new pro-abortion women’s minister, a little over a year after almost losing the presidential election over the abortion issue.
Eleonora Menicucci, a Labor Party stalwart and personal friend of Rousseff, shared a prison cell with the now-president during their imprisonment under Brazil’s military regime in the 1970s, when they were arrested for their involvement in terrorist and revolutionary activities as socialist militants.
Eleonora Menicucci: former communist terrorist and now pro-abortion feminist
Menicucci also shares Rousseff’s and the Labor Party’s support the for the legalization of abortion, a position that Rousseff was forced to abandon during the presidential elections of 2010, when her coronation by outgoing president Luiz Lula was almost thwarted by a campaign against her by pro-life and pro-family Christians. Rousseff went on to win the elections after signing a pledge not to initiate abortionist or homosexualist legislation.
Rousseff has remained silent on the abortion issue since her election, but the appointment of Menicucci has raised suspicions that her pro-abortion views will not remain dormant during her administration.  Although her predecessor in the Secretariat of Women’s Policy, Iriny Lopes, also had a history of pro-abortion posturing, Menicucci has admitted to the Folho de Sao Paulo newspaper that she has had two abortions herself, an apparent flouting of Brazil’s prohibition of all abortions except in cases of rape.
She has also acknowledged her own sexual ambiguity, stating in a 2007 interview, “I have relationships with men and women and I am very proud of my daughter, who is gay and who had a child by artificial insemination.”
Menicucci says that she regards the abortion issue as one belonging to the legislature rather than the executive, but is defiant in her loyalty to the abortionist position, refusing to distance herself from her past statements.
“My personal position from today on it is not important. I already gave my personal position in interviews, above all in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, when feminism was required to take positions. I do not repent of it. It’s my history,” she recently told the press. She also offered a defense of the legalized killing of the unborn, echoing the claims of abortion rights advocates that the deadly procedure is necessary for “public health.”
“As a hygienist, I have to say that it (abortion) is an issue of public health. It isn’t an ideological issue,” said Menicucci. “No one in a position of authority who has any sense, who hears the numbers, does not admit that women continue to die as a consequence of abortion.”

Indignation, but little surprise

President Dilma Rousseff’s selection of Menicucci was met with indignation but little surprise on the part of Brazilian conservatives and pro-lifers.
Widely-read conservative columnist Reinaldo Azevedo blogged that Rousseff had “fooled” evangelical leaders with her promise not to support the abortionist and homosexual agendas, writing that “it was only a tactic” and adding, “Now, it is a question of fooling the society with proselytism. Dilma chose for the post a militant of the cause.”
“President Dilma has nominated a Secretary of Women’s Policy (SPA) in her image and likeness,” pro-life leader Fr. Luiz Lodi da Cruz told LifeSiteNews, adding that she is “an extreme feminist,” and “ardent defender of the discrimination of abortion” who has “practiced lesbianism.”
“The nomination of Eleonora, who will take possession on Friday, is a signal of the coherence of the president,” said Lodi. “Belonging to a party that is committed to abortion (the Labor Party), Dilma was constrained to present herself as a ‘Catholic,’ defender of ‘life’ and even a devotee of ‘Our Lady of Aparecida,’ so as not to lose the 2010 elections.  Now, upon nominating her secretary, with the status of of Minister of State, Dilma does justice to her pro-abortion and anti-family tradition.”
Source: LifeSiteNews, via Julio Severo in English:
Brazilian Presidential Frontrunner Signs Pledge Not to Decriminalize Abortion

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

PayPal implicated in criminal activity

PayPal implicated in criminal activity

By Julio Severo
WND, which I consider the best conservative newssite in the world, ran an explosive headline yesterday: PayPal implicated in bank fraud.
Who could imagine: PayPal, which moved to exterminate my account, has now become the focus of a money-laundering scandal.
Don Hank, the owner of Laigle’s Forum, had this to say about the WND headline: “Now link this story with the way PayPal heavy-handedly refused service to Julio Severo because his web site opposes gay marriage, and you can see how radical social agendas and their implementation are actually a symptom of a deeper-lying criminal mindset. It is criminal capitalism linked to criminal government (which did nothing to protect Julio), a potent cocktail of pure sleaze.”
In my case, the hostile PayPal behavior was followed by the suspicious behavior of two US gay groups.
On August 21, 2011, the Human Rights Campaign was recorded visiting my blog in a tracking report. This is the most powerful homosexual organization in America. In the next few days, AllOut, a heavily-funded gay group, launched an online petition campaign to have accounts of 10 pro-family groups cut off from PayPal. Even though I am not an organization, my name was included in this public gay campaign, and my account was closed.
The PayPal case, where my situation was mentioned, was mostly covered by the US Christian media. See one of the video reports:

WND has also produced an excellent, extensive report:
Last December, PayPal closed my account definitively. To me, PayPal explained that I am ineligible to receive donations from my friends and readers because “you are not a registered non-profit organization”. To AllOut, PayPal explained that they closed my account because “We take very seriously any cases where a user has incited hatred, violence or intolerance because of a person’s sexual orientation”.
Now, I can no longer receive donations from my friends through PayPal.
In a listing of the top ten anti-Christian acts in 2011, the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission ranked the gay pressure on PayPal as fourth top anti-Christian act, as reported by Charisma magazine.
Now, see the giant’s dirty hands that moved against me incited by a US gay group. To read the full report, follow the WND link:

PayPal implicated in bank fraud

Alleged money-laundering scheme by global finance giant involved billions
NEW YORK – A former employee of one of the world’s largest international banks who has provided WND with more than 1,000 pages of evidence alleges the Internet giant PayPal and American Express are implicated in an international money-laundering scheme involving hundreds of billions of dollars.
The whistleblower, John Cruz, was a relationship manager in the southern New York region for the London-based global bank HSBC.
“I found many accounts where PayPal and American Express were used as conduits through which hundreds of thousands of dollars were deposited or withdrawn from HSBC customer accounts in a pattern of suspicious transactions that should have been reported to legal authorities under various banking statutes, including the Patriot Act,” Cruz told WND. (WND source: “PayPal, American Express implicated in bank fraud”)
Portuguese version of this article: PayPal envolvido em atividade criminosa