Monday, November 09, 2020

Challenges for Conservative Brazil in the Face of a U.S. Government Under the Possible Presidency of Far-Leftist Biden


Challenges for Conservative Brazil in the Face of a U.S. Government Under the Possible Presidency of Far-Leftist Biden

By Julio Severo

As I write, the U.S. election is in a swamp due to several reports of fraud. Even so, led by the leftist Associated Press, the U.S. press declared Joe Biden as president of the United States, even though there is still no official announcement to that effect. It was what the press wanted all the time.

Joe Biden

If the desire of the leftist press does not fall after accusations of fraud, a Biden administration will present enormous challenges not only for the American people, but also for all peoples worldwide.

More than a politician, Biden is a leftist militant supported by radical leftist mobs and by George Soros himself. And in left-wing radicalism, his vice-president is much more ideologically crazy than he is.

A Biden administration will pose a worldwide threat for its abortion and anti-family militancy; for its advocacy of the whole gay agenda and for its obvious anti-Christianity.

If a small country with such a socialist orientation tried to threaten other nations, any conservative country could reject its pro-abortion obstinacy. But Biden, if officially confirmed as president, will rule the most powerful nation in the world, the nation that speaks loudly and roughly to anyone, the nation that overthrows whoever wants and raises up whoever wants, the nation that thinks of itself as a god.

How can conservative countries like Hungary manage to face this mega-threat?

Brazil, which under President Jair Bolsonaro has stood out at the UN for opposing abortion, will face particular challenges. Like Trump, Bolsonaro’s support base is essentially evangelical. Without conservative evangelicals, he has no real support.

Joe Biden and former Brazilian socialist President Dilma Rousseff

However, Bolsonaro, who has known how to confront Venezuela for its socialism, is in no condition to confront a U.S. government that, under Biden, will be the most pro-abortion government in the world.

Although it is territorially one of the largest countries in the world, Brazil does not have a single nuclear weapon. In other words, Brazil is unarmed and any nuclear nation can speak roughly to Brazil. Several nations have already done this, including France. With Biden, the rough talk will get louder.

With Biden, the largest capitalist nation in the world will be the largest socialist nation in the world, and will promote the world’s largest pro-abortion socialist activism internationally.

I have always advocated individual possession of weapons against criminals. Possession of weapons for citizens to face bandits. Armed self-defense is a natural right and a conservative flag. Armed national defense is another important right.

But as a nation, Brazil will now be totally unarmed in the face of major abortion mobsters. In the face of nuclear-armed bandits. Bandits who, just as they manipulated the U.S. election, can manipulate the election of any nation, against conservative interests.

The United States, under the possible presidency of the far-leftist Biden, should be vigorously confronted in all anti-family activism. But how will Brazil do it unarmed? Who will have the courage to do this in the face of the largest nuclear nation in the world?

What I would say to Bolsonaro in the face of these huge challenges is: Get away from occult advisers as soon as possible, listen to more evangelical advisers and, as soon as possible, arm Brazil with nuclear weapons. Without nuclear weapons, Brazil will be practically hostage to the pro-abortion interests of major nuclear bandits.

If even moving away from occult advisers Trump faced an orchestration of left-wing saboteurs, how does Bolsonaro expect to face less by keeping such harmful advisers?

Portuguese version of this article: Desafios para o Brasil conservador diante de um governo americano sob a possível presidência do extremista esquerdista Biden

Source: Last Days Watchman

Recommended Reading:

Trust in the Midst of Political Turmoil

An Empire Launched by U.S. Socialists

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro speaks about Christophobia at the United Nations and appoints pro-abortion justice to the Brazilian Supreme Court

Understanding Brazil’s New Right and Its Homosexual Grandfather and Its Occult Father

Brazil, the Next (Regional or Global) Threat to the U.S. Economic Supremacy?

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