Wednesday, October 07, 2020

The Hijacking of Homosexuality by the Right, a Challenge for Christians


The Hijacking of Homosexuality by the Right, a Challenge for Christians

By Julio Severo

The right has been preaching that homosexuals and their demands have been hijacked by the left. This preaching generally includes the idea that any restriction or condemnation of homosexuality is of a communist nature and that all homosexual freedom is the fruit of American capitalism.

Homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos, invited as keynote speaker for CPAC in 2017

While this idea appeals to nominal Christians longing for a right that confronts socialism, such preaching is at least misleading.

If any restriction or condemnation of homosexuality is of a communist nature, then is God, who in the Bible condemns homosexuality in the strongest terms, a communist?

The idea that capitalism is synonymous with homosexual freedom is not an honest one, unless only capitalism without Christian values is taken into account. Actually, capitalism without Christian values is China’s greatest strength and economic partner, the largest communist nation in the world.

The largest capitalist nation in the world is the U.S. But the freedom and debauchery that homosexuals have in the United States today was not due to the original American capitalism of Protestant values. It was due to a capitalism without Christian values, which gave excessive freedom to the furious and aggressive actions of homosexual groups aided by leftists.

The U.S. is famous for being the largest Protestant and conservative country in the world. Within this reality, U.S. laws have always criminally condemned sodomy (homosexuality). These laws were only abolished under pressure from homosexualist groups in the 1990s by a majority of Catholic judges in the U.S. Supreme Court.

So the freedom and debauchery of homosexuals today in the United States is not the result of capitalism of Christian values. It is the result of the efforts of leftists and homosexualist groups, which seek to advance to many other aberrations. They use the system of capitalism without Christian values, which favors everything and everyone, including Chinese Communists and Sunni Muslims.

China has so much economic prosperity that Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, when he visited it during the anniversary of the communist revolution, declared: “I am in a capitalist nation.”

Saudi Arabia has modern buildings and is the largest buyer of U.S. arms.

However, capitalist progress has not improved the savage ethics of Chinese Communists and Saudi Muslims. They remain as violent and undemocratic as before, because the capitalism that has brought them progress is capitalism without Christian values.

It is the adherents of this capitalism without Christian values that are promoting the idea that homosexuals can be conservative and even Christian. To some extent, they are right: If Chinese Communists and Saudi Muslims can be capitalists, why can’t gay activists be conservative and Christian?

U.S. capitalism without Christian values has made communist China and Saudi Arabia great. And that same capitalist mindset without Christian values can also make “conservative homosexuality” great.

CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) held its first conference in Brazil in 2019, where Eduardo Bolsonaro held prominently the gay flag in support of “conservative homosexuality.” Who can blame him? For its 2017 event, CPAC invited as its key note speaker Milo Yiannopoulos, the most prominent “conservative” gay in the United States, in a big effort to make “conservative homosexuality” great. Yet, the scandal of a video of Yiannopoulos defending homosexual pedophilia eventually knocked down him and his conservative homosexual greatness.

Did CPAC learn some lesson? By no means. For its 2018 event, CPAC banned a pro-family group and approved a homosexualist group. So it is no wonder that Eduardo Bolsonaro, a fervent adherent of occultist Olavo de Carvalho, held the gay flag in the first CAPC event in Brazil.

CAPC, which is considered the most prominent “conservative” conference in the world, is already hijacking homosexuality and leading the very bad example that conservatives around the world should also hijack homosexuality for the sake of the right-wing ideology.

Therefore, Christians should be wary of a pro-homosexual right, especially if it appears in Christian language that homosexuals can be as good Christians and conservatives as anyone else. As far as I know, occultists are behind this idea, and occultism and homosexuality have always gone together, publicly or not.

Steve Bannon, who is considered an important right-wing voice, has no stances on homosexuality that conservative Christians have, even though he claims to be a Catholic. Likewise, Bannon’s Brazilian counterpart, Olavo de Carvalho, does not have the same stances on homosexual behavior as conservative Christians do, although he also presents himself as a Catholic. In fact, one of the biggest influences in Carvalho’s life was a former homosexual prisoner with AIDS. Both Bannon and Carvalho, who were influenced by Islamic occultist René Guénon, support “conservative” homosexual behavior.

Homosexual ideology and leftist ideology are fully compatible with each other, because of their rebellion against God. So, to say that homosexuals and their ideologies were hijacked by the left is at least a fraudulent and occult strategy. What is quite obvious is that the right, to the detriment of its conservative Christian supporters, is trying at all costs to hijack homosexuality for the sake of the right-wing agenda. This hijacking is already taking place among U.S. right-wingers, in the Republican Party itself. In Israel, the right has also hijacked the gay agenda.

The right-wing hijacking has the sole purpose of using and exploiting homosexuals politically to advance the right. It is a cheap imitation of what the left has done for a long time.

Such hijacking will eventually lead right-wing hijackers to accuse American evangelicals of “communists” for their effort to fight laws that have been tampered with to support homosexual sin and also because throughout American history they have managed to maintain laws against sodomy.

It is not known whether Sodom was right-wing or left-wing. In fact, the terms “right-wing” and “left-wing” do not exist in the Bible. It is only known that the inhabitants of Sodom had the same sexual practices that today leftist and rightist homosexuals have.

I just hope that the right that is seeking to hijack homosexuality for the sake of the rightist agenda, including through the accusation that restriction or condemnation of homosexuality is synonymous with communism, eventually does not condemn God as “communist” for having destroyed Sodom because of homosexual sin.

Portuguese version of this article: O aparelhamento direitista da homossexualidade, um desafio para os cristãos

Source: Last Days Watchman

Recommended Reading:

Steve Bannon and his views on homosexuality

Olavo de Carvalho was influenced by a former homosexual prisoner with AIDS

How can evangelical leaders criticize homosexual activism in the Trump administration if they are involved in sex scandals?

Benjamin Netanyahu, Right-Wing Jews and the Gay Agenda in Israel

Largest U.S. Gay Magazine Furious Over Evangelical Protest Against U.S. Government Effort to Decriminalize Homosexuality Around the World

Pedophilia Advocacy Knocks Down Prominent “Conservative” Gay

Top U.S. conservative conference bans pro-family Christian group and approves homosexualist group

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