Sunday, October 04, 2020

While US Navy SEALs are banned from treating men as men because of feminism, famous Italian brand Gucci launches female dress for men

While US Navy SEALs are banned from treating men as men because of feminism, famous Italian brand Gucci launches female dress for men

By Julio Severo
A lot of men and boys are choosing homosexuality. Largely, sexual abuse is the factor. But the propaganda abuse, in several forms and kinds, has also played a powerful role in the change.
And even fashion companies are doing their propaganda — through their clothes.
According to DailyMail:
“Italian luxury brand Gucci is selling a £1,700 orange check dress which features satin bow detail in a bid to fight the ‘toxic stereotypes that mold masculine gender identity.’”
So it is ok for men to wear women’s clothes. What is not ok for men in this ideologically anti-male pro-feminist environment? To be men in a traditionally male military setting.
According also to DailyMail:
“US Navy SEALs go gender neutral: References to ‘brotherhood’ and ‘man’ are removed from its official ethos to include more gender neutral terms such as ‘warrior’ and ‘citizen.’”
The trend is to glorify masculine strength in women and feminine characteristics in men.
The trend is to masculinize women and feminize men.
The trend is desensitize and “defeminize” women and desensitize and “demasculinize” men.
Only by defeminizing women and demasculinizing men it is possible to create unnatural “families” that are unable to embrace their natural mission of “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28). This is the goal of population control efforts. What we are seeing is its tragic result.
The population control goal of “Be unfruitful and do not multiply” is universal today. For the sake of this goal, men have to be feminine and women have to be masculine.
Recommended Reading Feminism:
Recommended Reading on Birth Control:
Recommended Reading on Population Control:

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