Monday, April 22, 2019

Incredible! Right Wing Watch, Which Tracks Conservative Stances to Attack Conservative Leaders, Defends Notre Dame Cathedral Against Julio Severo

Incredible! Right Wing Watch, Which Tracks Conservative Stances to Attack Conservative Leaders, Defends Notre Dame Cathedral Against Julio Severo

By Julio Severo
It is no surprise to see left-wing groups attacking Christian churches. But what about when a prominent U.S. left-wing organization defends a Catholic cathedral against a conservative evangelical?
Right Wing Watch, of the left-wing group People for the American Way, was not pleased that an article authored by me questioned why a Christian church should have or even tolerate demonic statues in its building.
Right Wing Watch said on April 18, 2019:
“Julio Severo weighs in on the fire at Notre Dame: ‘From a spiritual perspective, a place of idolatry was destroyed. And the destructive fire not only destroyed the idols of Mary and other men and women. It destroyed also Gargoyles — statues of demons.’”
Why is Right Wing Watch worried about my view on idolatry and statues?
My article that bothered Right Wing Watch was published on BarbWire and is titled: “The Gargoyles of Notre Dame and the Islamic Celebration of Their Destruction.”
Other conservatives that bothered Right Wing Watch were Janet Porter, Intercessors for America, the Christian Defense Coalition and Alex McFarland.
By the way, I can put two additional concerns that Right Wing Watch can, in its left-wing capacity, add to its track record of my conservative stances to use to defend Notre Dame and attack me.
People are donating untold millions of dollars for the rebuilding of Notre Dame when there are more urgent human needs. In fact, just one week after Notre Dame was destroyed by fire, donations exceeded 1 billion dollars. Why waste one billion dollars on a building when God told us to love people, not buildings?
Even President Donald Trump praised Notre Dame, but he was strangely silent when the Protestant Reformation had its international celebration of 500 years in 2017. As the largest Protestant nation in the world, the United States would deserve to have its president, Trump, to celebrate it, but he preferred instead to celebrate Halloween. Is Halloween’s witchcraft more important than the evangelicalism that guided America since its birth? Are Notre Dame and its Gargoyles more important than the most important American religious heritage, Protestantism?
Yet, for Right Wing Watch, as far as real conservatism is concerned, Julio Severo is a bigger conservative threat than Notre Dame is.
Right Wing Watch is a project of the far-left-wing People for the American Way and it has, according to its website, a special mission to attack conservatives opposed to the gay agenda, abortion and Muslim ideology.
According to WND, People for the American Way (PFAW) is “an atheist socialist organization which, through publications like its ‘Right Wing Watch,’ dedicates itself to the destruction of conservatives in general.”
Many prominent U.S. conservative names are in Right Wing Watch’s blacklist. My place in their blacklist is here.
What do U.S. conservatives say about Right Wing Watch?
Pat Robertson, of 700 Club, said, “A nasty group.”
Peter LaBarbera, of Americans for Truth of Homosexuality, said, “They should call it People for the Homosexual Way.”
Matt Barber, the founder of BarbWire, said, “A radical secularist agenda… a socialist agenda… pushing the culture of death.”
Recommended Reading on the U.S. Left against Julio Severo:
Another Recommended Reading:

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