Monday, September 21, 2020

Brazilian Baptist minister, who is an immigrant in the U.S., calls the Trump administration “wretched administration” regarding COVID-19 and says that Trump makes clearly racist statements that incite violence

Brazilian Baptist minister, who is an immigrant in the U.S., calls the Trump administration “wretched administration” regarding COVID-19 and says that Trump makes clearly racist statements that incite violence

By Julio Severo
A country is in trouble when its own citizens curse its government. But when even immigrants can curse the president with impunity the country in a much bigger hole.
Ronilso Pacheco
A Brazilian immigrant, who enjoys the excessive freedoms that the United States gives, is using and abusing those freedoms with several statements against President Donald Trump’s administration.
In one of these statements, Ronilo Pacheco, who is a Baptist minister and theologian, said:
“It is hasty to imagine that clearly racist statements, incitement to violence, or even Trump’s wretched administration regarding the COVID-19 would weaken him to the point of guaranteeing Biden’s victory.”
Pacheco, who lives in New York, also said:
“If he is sure to ignore police violence against the black population, if he clearly defends armed white people and shooting against anti-racist protesters, if he makes racist statements and deliberately belittles the devastating effect of the pandemic, it is probably because of calculated risks.”
Pacheco’s logic is that when BLM (Black Lives Matter) rioters loot stores and threaten their owners, they should have complete freedom to do so. Any defensive reaction from the owners is seen by Pacheco as “racism.”
When Trump criticizes the rioters and says that Law and Order must be enforced, Pacheco also sees such a defensive stance as “racism.”
In order for you to prove that you are not racist, you have to let the rioters loot at will and commit violence at will.
If it is already a criminal attitude for an American citizen to defend such radicalism in the U.S., what about an immigrant? Obviously, Pacheco knows that the excess of freedom in the U.S. gives him enough protections to accuse Trump of “racist.”
If I were the U.S. president, I would deport an immigrant who calls the American president “racist.” But if Trump does that, BLM will treat Pacheco as an “immigrant martyr” victim of Trump’s “racism”!
As an example of the “racism” that black Americans suffer, Pacheco used the case of Jacob Blake, who was shot by the police. For Pacheco, it is a case of police violence against blacks.
What Pacheco did not reveal is that just before he was shot, Blake, who had a knife in his possession, wrestled with the police officers, not following any of their orders.
Pacheco seems totally unaware that when a citizen is approached by the police, he has an obligation to comply with all orders from the officers. Not complying, confronting and wrestling is typical of criminals. Whoever confronts and fights with the police acts criminally and should not be surprised if he is treated as a criminal.
When he is approached by the police, a good citizen does not even dream of confronting the officers. He just obeys everything and, if he feels he has been wronged, he can later appeal to the courts.
Nor did Pacheco reveal that Jacob Blake’s own mother apologized to Trump and blasted the rioters who used violence against the police to “defend Blake.” Will immigrant Pacheco dare to call Blake’s black mother a racist for blasting the rioters?
From New York, Pacheco wrote his inflammatory article in Portuguese, with the title “Trump knows that his base of white evangelicals is quietly applauding him in the U.S.
For Pacheco, Trump is leading a conservative evangelical population that is the great resistance force against the BLM rioters.
For him, anyone fighting against BLM is “racist.”
Pacheco expressed extreme concern over Trump’s statements of support for evangelicals. He quoted Trump, who said:
“Christians make up the overwhelming majority of the country, and yet we don’t exert the power that we should have. Christianity will have power. If I’m there, you’re going to have plenty of power, you don’t need anybody else. You’re going to have somebody representing you very, very well. Remember that.”
As evidence that Trump has almost full support from evangelicals, Pacheco said:
“A July poll this year from the Pew Research Center found that no less than 82% of white evangelical voters would vote for Trump and only 17% of them would vote for Biden. Eight out of ten white evangelical voters would vote for Trump.”
He added:
“The so-called ‘Christian nationalism’ remains stronger than ever in the United States, and it has strength and consequences that come from the oldest formation of American society, controlling politics, defending segregation, and conspiring against democratic freedom for other groups society (blacks, Latinos, women, gays, etc.).”
Pacheco assures:
“But the Christianity of Christian nationalism is not exactly the same as that of Jesus.”
In Pacheco’s view, the Christianity of Christian nationalism, which is composed mostly of conservative white evangelicals, is nothing more than a racist movement that hinders BLM’s Marxist goals. He sees his own leftist “Christianity” as true and the Christianity of conservative evangelicals who support Trump as false and against the Gospel.
Even though most people are not aware of the clear objectives of BLM, the behavior of BLM activists speaks excessively loudly: rioting, looting, violence and confrontation with the police.
Pacheco is not concerned about blacks confronting the police and BLM activists looting shops and committing all kinds of violence. He is concerned exclusively with conservative evangelicals who are the biggest support base for Trump. He said:
“In the 2020 U.S. elections, it is necessary to measure the role that Christian nationalism, as well as the role of conservative white evangelicals, has as a support for Trump.”
Pacheco is doing everything he can to inflame the Brazilian public against Trump and conservative American evangelicals.
But why does Pacheco accuse Trump of being “racist” for criticizing rioters who loot and commit violence? Why does he attack the police when officers act forcefully when a black citizen decides to confront, disobey orders and wrestle with the police? If Trump were as wicked as Pacheco says, he would deport a certain Brazilian immigrant who uses and abuses the host country’s freedom to attack the president who welcomes the most bizarre immigrants.
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