Thursday, September 10, 2020

United Nations Condemns Male Leadership, Not Communism, over COVID-19

United Nations Condemns Male Leadership, Not Communism, over COVID-19

By Julio Severo
United Nations Secretary General António Guterres said on September 6, 2020:
“The COVID19 pandemic is demonstrating what we all know: millennia of patriarchy have resulted in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture which damages everyone – women, men, girls & boys.”
Guterres used the COVID-19 pandemic to condemn male leadership, when he should have condemned Chinese communism, because it was exactly from China and its communist leadership that COVID-19 came.
Why did Guterres condemn male leadership, not communism? The answer is simple: António Guterres was, from 1999 to 2005, the president of the Socialist International. He was also Secretary-General of the Socialist Party of Portugal, from 1992 to 2002.
So he speaks as a socialist.
Obviously, male leadership is not by itself wicked, even though socialists demonize all male leadership. There is good male leadership and wicked male leadership.
God ordained male leadership on earth because this is the heavenly standard. God is male and supreme leader.
Socialists are usually atheists. Even if they believed in God, they would rebel against God, because if they reject male leadership on earth, how will they accept male leadership on heaven?
Christians believe and submit themselves to the Trinity: Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. There is no female leadership in the Trinity and on heaven.
Even though Catholics believe that Mary occupies on heaven some kind of leadership post, such theory is not supported by the Bible. There is no female leader on heaven.
On earth, God created women as helpers of men — more specifically, He created women to be wives and helpers for their husbands. There is no calling more important, after salvation in Jesus Christ, than union in marriage to have, train and educate children in the Lord.
Male leadership is wrong when is carried on by wicked men. For example, Muslims and communists do wicked things not because they are men, but because of their ideology. Islam and communism would do wicked things even if all their leaders were female.
Male leadership is the correct leadership. The example comes from heaven: All heavenly leadership is male. Why should be different on earth?
Socialism is a rebellion against family, marriage, natural sex, sexual roles and God and his male authority and leadership. But how can we Christians defeat socialism in society when in our churches male authority and leadership have not been preserved, trained, respected and defended from the socialist onslaughts of the world and Satan?
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