Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Washington Schools and Teachers Told to Honor the Islamic Holiday of Ramadan

Washington Schools and Teachers Told to Honor the Islamic Holiday of Ramadan

By Julio Severo
Teachers and schools in Seattle, Washington, have been told to honor the Islamic holiday of Ramadan. The instruction came directly from Superintendent Judy Martinson, who in March received a letter from the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an Islamic organization involved in a major terrorist case years ago.
The letter, entitled “Upcoming Islamic Holidays and Religious Accommodations,” tells schools and teachers to honor Ramadan, which is an Islamic religious holiday, for Muslim students.
Superintendent Martinson enacted the letter as official policy and sent it to all school principals, who in turn sent it to all teachers.
To help Muslim students celebrate Ramadan, the CAIR letter pressures American schools to use Islamic salutations for Muslim students, such as “Ramadan Mubarak!” or “Ramadan Kareem.”
The letter also instructs teachers to monitor the fasting of Islamic students and not to schedule any tests during Islamic holidays.
A teacher who felt constrained by such Islamic pressures at her classroom made contact with the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund (FCDF), which sent a letter to schools in Seattle to immediately stop privileging Islamic holidays.
In response, Ibrahim Hooper, communications director for CAIR, threatened to take punitive legal action, saying the FCDF letter was a “sign of the growing Islamophobia” in the United States.
There will now be a major struggle between Muslim activists who seek to impose their religion on American schools and teachers who feel constrained by such impositions.
Although the United States is the largest Protestant nation in the world, in the early 1960s prayer and Bible reading were banned by the Supreme Court, which ruled that such Christian practices were unconstitutional in schools after a Marxist mother complained that her son was being exposed to prayers and Bible reading at school.
Years later, the son of the Marxist converted to Jesus Christ. You can read his story in the exclusive interview he gave me in 2015 at this link: Exclusive Interview with William J. Murray, Defender of Persecuted Christians. But the ban continues.
Oddly enough, religious freedom in the U.S. is basically summed up to level all religions, so if Protestantism, which was the religion of the Founding Fathers of the United States and is the predominant religion in the United States today, takes up space, all other religions, including Satanism and Islam, are entitled to equal space.
The solution often found is to nullify the freedom of Protestantism so that no religion may takes up space. Even so, activists use the strategy of introducing Islamism and Satanism as a minority culture.
Of course, the left has great guilt in weakening the social influence of Protestantism and strengthening Islam. But the right has also contributed. Since the Islamic attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, right-wing President George W. Bush began calling Islam a “religion of peace.” Coming from the left, it is no surprise. But it was a disappointment the greatest right-wing leader in that time making such misleading propaganda of Islam. Result? After Bush’s special treatment for Islam, mosques experienced an explosive growth in the United States.
It is then difficult for Americans to forbid Islamic indoctrination in American schools, where evangelical prayers and Bible reading have been banned for decades, when left-wing presidents such as Obama and right-wing presidents like Bush have already enshrined Islam as a “religion of peace.”
It is hard to forbid American schools to honor Ramadan when Obama honored Ramadan at the White House and now right-wing President Donald Trump continues to honor Ramadan at the White House.
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